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Essay: "Aging"by Ricky Gibson What is getting old? How do we look at aging??? In truth there's several answers that
could be stated. Attitude, fear, and acceptance all play a part within our concious minds
when we try to answer those questions. Each factors in upon our feelings to getting old.
But we all must understand that aging is reality.
And with reality there's change. Physically, mentally, and the appearance of ourselves as we age. Gray hair, wrinkled skin, even slouching of your back if you're not careful. None of that matters much these days. In today's society already "old" is no longer old in the ways it used to mean. When old was relaxing on the porch drinking sun tea or going to the grocery store only to dodge carts being raced by the younger generation. It's common to see the elders of today enjoying the ways of our society. People act youthful according to their own expectations, and age has lost its meaning as a predictor of stamina. Look at the medicine available today to enhance our stamina... On another note, today we are used to seeing 28year old mayors, 50year old retirees, and 65-year old students. What could be depressing about that? Obviously these people have an attitude that "time happens" and to enjoy age no matter what the year is. With this type of attitude comes the mentality of acceptance and the reality that if you allow aging to become depressing, then anxiety, and the fearful prospect of being alone and powerless sets in. That's a battle no one wants to tackle. Mid-life crisis is a saying that was used as an excuse to let age take over a period in life where depression and fear of growing old has caused you to look for a way out. It's never anyone else's fault what life has dealt you. The choice has always been there. What we make out of the hand dealt to us. Enjoy life in every aspect while you can, and when you feel too old to compete of participate, reach through that miracle breakthrough in medicine. I hear Viagra can make a 70year old feel 20 years old again. Don't waste precious time on the past. Live for today the NOW!! |