Other essays on this themeEssay: "Celebrations"
by Joe Hurtado
Celebrations Due,
to Jesus Christ! Because this is what He is to Us:
To the Artistâ€"He is the Beauty of all Creations,
To the Bakerâ€"He is the Living Bread
To the Architectâ€"He is the Chief Corner-stone
To the Bankerâ€"He is the Hidden Treasure
To the Builderâ€"He is the Sure and the True Foundation
To the Composer of Musicâ€"He is the True Melody
To the Doctorâ€"He is the Great Physician
To the Educatorâ€"He is the Masterpiece and Great Teacher
To the Farmerâ€"He is the Lord of the Harvest
To the Geologistâ€"He is the Rock of Ages
To the Juristâ€"He is the Righteous Judge of all Mankind
To the Jewelerâ€"He is the Pearl of Great Value
To the Lawyerâ€"He is the Uncomparable Counselor
To the Horticulturalistâ€" He is the Great True Divine Vine
To the Philanthropistâ€" He is the Unspeakable Gift
To the Philosopherâ€" He is "the Image of the invisible God" Colossians 1:15
To the Sculptorâ€"He is the Potter, We are the Clay" Isaiah 64:8
To the Sinnerâ€"He is the Lamb of God that taketh away the Sin of the World. The son of the Living God! The Savior! The Redeemer and Lord.
To the Mentorâ€"He is the Wisest and Most Trusted Teacher. There is no way to lose with
Jesus. And no way to win without Him!
Celebrations due are Jesus.