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Essay: "Dinner Time"by Elzie Hanson Dinnertime at my house always seem too be exactly and precisely on time, and if you were ever late for dinner you had some explaining too do and some consequences to pay. As my mother would take her time to prepare a meal for the family, making sure everyone had enough too eat, seated at the table for dinner, heads bowed always in prayers and thanking god for another meal. As always, my father coming from work late, but in time for dinner, we ate as a house hob (together) and no one took one bite until each (mother/father), had their say. As usual as commonly done especially on (Sunday) don't be late for (church). And for surely not for dinner. Just like breakfast is the start of another day (best meal of em' all). (Dinnertime) was the meal that put you down at night. Some people, a lot of people, weren't able too be provided meals by their family, perhaps a lot of people never had family (too call their own) to sit-down and have dinner with, I was one of the lucky-ones, being one of the eight kids. I still think back on all the times we shared together even though a lot of my family has passed-on, I will always remember all if not most of our time spent/shared together. Everyday, always meant doing (house-work), (clean-up), going too (school and church) and not missing a day. And like any other ritual, don't be late for 'Dinnertime', cause you're assuredly have some explaining too do, and consequences most definitely too face and not forgetting what happened if you did.