The journal of Donald Lock
Indiana Senators, Indiana Reps, US Dept. of Justice others.
*Felony Crimes by WVCF Staff*
Because I reported them to topmost IDOC officials and state politicians, FBI, Justice Department, organizations, prosecutor Robert Springer, etc., I had 6 totally false conduct reports filed on me and my record in 92 days by WVCF guards and staff solely because I was trying to expose brutality prisoner deaths and other felony crimes. This is the truth.
Donald Lock #13119
Certificate of Service
I hereby affirm that copies of the above and foregoing Mr. Tom Gettinger, Managing Editor letter dated Dec. 1st, 2004, was served upon Indianapolis Star, Evansville Courier, and South bend Tribune, The New York Times, Others and organizations, Churcher Sullivan Inc., each being properly addressed and depositing said copies in the United States regular mail postage First class prepaid 8th day of January, 2005. For each named to investigate this issue.
Donald Lock #13119
Maximum Control Facility
PO Box 557
Westville, IN, 46391
CC/ Robert Springer
Gov. Elect Danials
DOC Commisioner Turner
etc. etc.
In response to Sullivan Daily Times Friday, November 19, 2004
"Police arrest second guard in alleged attack"
Prosecutor Robert Springer is a joke and one that has will, does help cover up many crimes that are felony crimes under Indiana law. This above stinks of manipulation to keep the factual attention off questionable cold-blooded deaths of prisoners at WVCF covered up by Don Tyler an ex dirty cop out of Terre Haute. Springer done nothing about 12 guards that brutally beat Walters while handcuffed to the floor. They did kick, stomp, and beat him. Five others attacked Hooker using their handcuffs as brass knuckles. Both Don Tyler and Robert Springer covered these and many, many other crimes of brutality that has 100% disfigured prisoners hit, kicked, and stomped in mad races by guards. Crimes by guards, staff, and topmost administrators and even the superintendent Craig Hanks and yes his assistants -- don't believe my words on paper -- but interview me. Look at all the ignored letters, documents, and reports I've filed on WVCF and the DOC staff there since May 21, 1999. Once you talk with me, review all paperwork, then help me get a polygraph through Attorney Kenneth Falk of ICLU or have the newspaper the Indianapolis Star, test me over all I say and have written about. Endless felony crimes of brutality, falsifying official state documents, and brutal deaths and causes of death covered up at wVCF with Springer and state police help here in Indiana.
Donald Lock #13119
Howdy, Elizabeth, Gary, and Kate
As you can see on the other side of this page, I did appreciate the unanswered Elizabeth letter of the first week of January. Could I ask of Gary to ask all prisoners about journals, that you date your correspondences so that they, too, can be kept in order for us? Sure would appreciate this.
I have lots to respond to over the letter on the other side as well as hopeful helpful observations for CRESP. I truthfully consider you all my family in this short time. I have no real other family to speak of. I have a daughter and granddaughter, but I feel CRESP is my brothers and sisters. That's a fact.
I want to say my letters can be scanned and put on the net, all of them, as my journal if you like, or part of my journal, as I have thoughts and opinions I would like on the net that may motivate others to financially support this program, or perhaps they would like to donate books, especially paperback dictionaries.
Granted, I am not as smart or as well educated as most if not all the other prisoners now adopting CRESP as part of their lives for whatever motive. We as prisoners one and all have a motive whether we admit it or not. I am uneducated for the most part except for a low seventh grade education, but I love to read and am very well read on subjects that interest me. I do not spell well at all. I do the best I can. Like Gary, I try to write as fast as my thoughts come. L Which means, only I can read it. Even when I take my time and rewrite, I still make endless mistakes L. That's just me. Thank you very much.
I will be 59 years old this year born 8/13/46. I am American Indian and Italian right down the middle. I have been in prison or incarcerated since Feb. 25, 1974, so the 25th of this month I will have served a full 31 years and if I don't get help, I will be made to die here, not because of my felony murder conviction, but because since 1999, I have been trying to expose prisoners' coldblooded murders or deaths, brutal, sadistic, and inhumane beatings of prisoners and the cover-ups of the same by topmost prison officials in official state documents, reports, etc. Because of this I am denied parole while many, many others with worse crimes are paroled. Before I get too carried away in this letter that may become boring, let me get back to the Elizabeth letter. J Thank you for saying Gary reads all letters -- I am sure as you grow at CRESP Gary will have to depend on staff to help decide which to read.
I have to admit it sure would be nice if you all would adopt a name other than CRESP, or Alternatives Library, or Prisoner Express Journal. I like the name "Prisoners for Progress (PFP). Of course, I have a motive for saying this. It's always been my dream to form an organization called Prisoners for Progress. I sent Exhibit #3 Constitution and bylaws out to over 140 lawyers, prosecutors and judges back in 1994. Over 30 responded very well and approving what I was trying to do. However some very negative and hostile letters were sent to the Indiana Governor and DOC Commissioner and I was called out on the carpet to be informed not to send any more out and if I even attempted to start PFP I'd be placed on lock-up so deep I'd have a white beard all the way to my knees before I'd see population again. L. So that killed my dream of PFP and its sister organization: "X-Prisoners for Progress," that would involve ex-prisoners and all their immediate family, who would all be card-carrying members once they paid dues in X-PFP.
I also wrote a Constitution and bylaws for it as well but officials took it. L I only today have PFP papers because a few of the lawyers and one judge returned copies wishing me well to start PFP.
X-PFP was/is designed as a multi-million dollar organization once it got off the ground. There is no actual national prisoner and prisoner family organization. There are, as you all know, perhaps hundreds of prisoners or prisoner related organizations but nobody has formed a national organization to bring all others under one umbrella. Think of the AFL-CIO, Teamsters, etc. Now think of the number of ex-prisoners plus ex-prisoners family members. Think of what the dues could mean to open businesses to employ ex-prisoners and ex-prisoner's families.
Of course, there is tons more to explain on this and I do mean tons, as to membership, setting up businesses, programs, housing. In each state would be one supervisor, and from two to four or five district directors. And under each director, there would be captains, etc., all reporting up, and the supervisors of each state would report to the home office of X-PFP. My point, Elizabeth, Gary, and Kate, if I could be taped to explain it all, I have no doubts you all would see the overall political and financial strength such an organization would have as well as all the physical, mental, emotional, and in a way, spiritual help such a national organization would give ex-prisoners and their families. As I said, I am not educated but I'm not stupid when it comes to money making ideas and I do pride myself in that fact. Would you believe, (most likely not), but I have no reason to lie and don't lie. I am too old to lie anymore. But in 1975 I came up with the subway sandwich idea. I have witnesses and they all told me it was a dumb or crazy idea because there were too many fast food outlets at that time. Shortly after, my idea on this Subway opened up. Jack and Sally Shriner were so surprised someone else thought of my idea and actually opened such a fast food place that they apologized to me for saying it was a dumb idea. Both were deacons of a church. I thought of the "Convict Cookbook." Back in about 1983, everyone told me I was crazy. A reporter from the Indianapolis Star newspaper did an interview with me that ended up in papers all across the USA. Check out the Indianapolis Star on July 25th, 26th, or 28th. Perhaps it was June 25th/26th or 28th. But it was a big article with my picture over the money I made in prison to feed my cat, and how I went about it. J I now admit that 15 years ago, I changed my ways and became a total advocate of being totally truthful and honest. My point about the newspaper article is that I told that reporter about my idea of a "Convict Cookbook." He only printed my one "Selling 21 different recipes the way a convict fixes hotdogs in their cells." I made over $7,000.00 in less than 30 days on that idea. Get that Indianapolis Star newspaper article and read for yourself. I am ashamed of it now, very ashamed. However, in November, I believe, of 2004, "The Washington Prison System" State of Washington came up with printing a "Convict" or "The Convict Cookbook." Check it out and you'll see that it, too, was my idea back in 1984. But back then, everyone called me crazy. Mrs. Jeanette Potts has been in the insurance business all her life. She called my idea for pet insurance policies dumb, stupid, and crazy back in 1988, but don't they now have a multi-million dollar business for pet insurance? Yes, they do. It could even be a billion dollar a year business by now. I don't keep up on my ideas that are thought up by others later who become filthy rich off of them. I always say I told you so. My daughter, aged 39, can tell you that in 1984, after I met her, I told her about my cookbook idea and let me say that I can pass polygraph tests on what I tell you. Since 1989, I became "reborn," not in the Christian manner but the self-inventory. I didn't like myself and decided I had to be "reborn" so that only truth and honesty matter to me. Yes, to be totally truthful and honest has and will keep hurting me. But I know I am truthful and am honest all the way now, and I don't care if others believe me or not. I am at mental peace with myself now. That doesn't mean I don't hate my past. I hate my past life of bad choices and can honestly say I'm regretful and shamed to admit that over 95% of my choices up til 1989 were bad, as well as a few since then. Now, I try not to act on emotionsl
I have an idea about planting trees. You will agree we need trees and I feel that if I have a moneymaking idea that's also a multimillion dollar idea to get millions of people interested in me or others to plant trees for us. I have a multi million dollar idea of how homes can be built with non-leak basements, and the basement will not leak for a good 1,000 years, during which several homes can be built and rebuilt on top of the basements.
I have a multi-million dollar bracelet and pendant idea that millions and millions of people will buy without a doubt.
I'll admit that smarter people than myself can refine or make my ideas better, but they are still my multi-million dollar ideas. I have many ideas that I don't share with anyone at all because if I tell others they will not be protected and I won't get paid for them. Can ideas get protected? If so, I don't know how to go about it or who to trust as ideas are stolen daily. I guess you think I'm insane, which is expected and understood as I ache to share and talk with real people, normal people that are not always playing mind games, that are not daily talking about drugs, women, or crimes they got away with. Just talking to hear their own voices and lying about their own lives as they listen to themselves, trying to impress others. That's what "inmates" do, not prisoners. Most people and media and press call us all "inmates," but I don't like inmates and a real prisoner or convict doesn't like inmates just as we don't like snitches.
I'm glad you like my idea of Gary doing an article on how to plant, keep up a garden, and what time of year to plant and care for the plants, etc. Although I want to know about and read about gardening from Gary. No, I would not like books on gardening. I get so few books to relax and enjoy for that sake alone. I still would like westerns. Please don't be sorry. The books you sent didn't work out. I put them on the cart so others could enjoy them. I believe in passing on other's goodness in this manner.
I will contact others about book donations, with them feeling they have to.
I gave Gary ideas about ways to raise funds to help this organization and am surprised I have not heard back about them.
I tell you, Elizabeth, the cancelled stamps I feel would make an ongoing amount for your projects.
Question: Do you know anyone that will do typing for prisoners for pay??? I mean, they get their money up front with the job and they correct all spelling and word mistakes. Some prisoners would pay for such a service. I would, if the price rate per page was fair. More later on.