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Essay: "Friendship"by P.,Clyde "Friendship"
Friendship is a strong word, stronger then some who use it. In one's lifetime, you may come across one or two real friends. The ones who are there for you and may know you better then anyone else you know. Friendships are strong, friends are close to your family to were, there like a member. The same goes for you when it comes to their family as well. Also when in a friendship, you have your own form of communication with each other no one else can understand. Now that is a friendship between, two or more people. Friendship should be a unbreakable, bound that is between these people. There is a saying, "blood is thicker than water", but in a friendship you are there for them, "through thick & thin". But it's not always such a good friendship, with some who say they are friends. The relationship is like a train traveling to it's set destination. On a track heading one way, then changes it's direction or just comes off the track. This is way friendship is, such a strong word that has so many meanings. You never know when you start your trip, but are sure to have a ride indeed good or bad. Friendship is a chance, but it takes a friend to develop a true friendship . When the time comes and, developments come about in your life. Keep an open heart and, friendships will be there. |