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Essay: "Expectations"Change is Expectedby Bruce Large III From what I've learned, we as individuals judge others by how we judge ourselves. We project our own personality, or even impose it on another in expectations of what one finds appropriate.
The thing about expecting others to be as oneself is that such an element destroys individuality. This is not to say that the sense of separateness is or is not a selfish motivation, for individual thinkers have brought the greatest and most strange changes to the world. I see a double standard in conformity. The guidance, discipline, and wisdom gained and passed on through adherence to expected guidelines is needed for continuous cycle of man's evolution. It is when one is destroyed for questions or straying from expectations that calamity takes place. To know there is more than one way; or indeed that time has come to find a greater way than the expectations of what one once thought to be the narrow path, is the potent creativity inherent in every human being. Change is expected, yet if you live for the expectations of others, and such is harmful to the self, harmful to the life and well being of a fellow brother or sister, the question must be asked, "How much of myself have I forsaken to live up to the expectations of others?" Often I've found myself in the past bombarded by authoritarian ethics, that is instilled from without; only to find an internal battle taking place with innate qualities of altruism and benevolence. It is the mind of the child that is the greatest treasure. I believe many have attempted to return to such a blissful state, the state where everything is new and magical, where simplicity is strength and what is not understood is easily dismissed. In this state only love is expected, which is everything. Although I like all people are subject to the always of contradiction, and opposites; I realize I must do certain tasks, or accept certain ideas as appropriate that conform to the expectations of others. The fact that life is change, and expectations are relative not absolute, is relief that indeed conformity is needed as greatly as individuality. It is knowing the balance, the amount needed in all circumstances and situations of life that one becomes an alchemist, turning the metals of life, the substance of existence, to gold. The really important thing is not to live but to live well. And to live well means the same thing as to live honorable or rightly? (Socrates in prison for heresy, sentenced to death--399 B.C.) Truly this meets all expectations. -Bruce Large III |