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Essay: "Expectations"So Many Expectationsby N.O.-W.O.L.F.I.N-"X" I was always taught to expect the unexpected, that way, nothing will surprise me. I consider myself to be a Black Nationalist revolutionary militant in a spiritual light. Being who I am N.O.--W.O.L.F.I.N.--"X" to political prisoners across Illinois prison system, those who look at me as a soldier of war in a leadership position of the infamous organization to prison officials called "N.W.T. BLA." I'm hated by the system because I have risen the dead and made the lost find the knowledge of Self, plus made the unconscious--conscious. I have refused to let the unconscious disrespect women around me, without the challenging why these people hate the sisters so much. I do not let inmates talk behind other convicts' back, if I feel the converser is not man enough to voice these words in his face. I do not side with wrong, no matter who it is if the stranger is right over my blood brother wrongness, I will defend the righteous brother.
People who have learned my ways, have admired and idolized y chemistry in my personal character. Convicts have flocked around me to understand a man, who is so often misrepresented and misunderstood. I am the people's choice, when it comes to having a partner, because I plea the 5th Amendment when it comes to business that might set back years of a brother or sister life; it's not for me to judge. The Circle Seven Holy Koran states in chapter 9 called "Jesus attends A Feast in Behar and Here He taught Human Equality" verse "1b" "The sin lies in the wish, in the desire, not in the act." I cannot point at an act and say a person is wrong just because it seems criminal or devilish. I must look beyond and act; into a man's heart and find out he did wish or desire to do this act with evil intentions. Sometimes people are forced in situations by Allah (God) to see how they will react under pressure. Almighty Allah has expectations from us human beings and we have expectations from our bosses, mates, brothers and sisters, mother and fathers. What does the world expect of me? To keep it real, as I do. The Almighty Cicera Shabazz Vice Lords expected me to live up to and stand on Islamic law in that organization when I was put in Universal Elite Position by permission of well known leadership in Chicago. I did just that, until I was offered the position of controlling all Cicero Shabazzes in Rockford Illinois, after I blessed in members in New Orleans, Chicago, Rockford, Detroit, and Atlanta. A few hundred members is now thousands, the same way Malcolm X turned 400 members into thousands in the Nation of Islam. I was offered that position for one reason and one reason only. I lived up to my expectations. I am famous for that, I kept my promises, hide and protect people's personal secrets and a give my last to the "have nots." I am the most loyal person I know. I am now teaching Moorish Americans in Pontiac Prison out of the Cirlce Seven Holy Koran on and Around 9 gallyer. I just have earned a minister's certificate in the religion of the African Hebrew Israelite, the original Hebrews, under the Chairman of Outreach Ministry Zahveed Ben Israel who honors Ben Ammi Ben Israel the anointed Masheakhk, Zahveed is of the southeastern extension Kingdom of Yah of Jerusalem. I am one of the most loyal revolutionaries in Illinois penitentiary system and am highly respected by other organization like the Insane Unknowns because I use to visit Popeye there leader on the streets whenever he was in Stateville. The Black Peace Stone Rangers love me because I live by their principles love, peace, freedom, truth, and justice. The Latin Kings honor my knowledge and wisdom of their presence. The G.D.'s know I'm about "Growth and Development" as they teach, I believe in love, life, and loyalty, as the BD's and BG's, organizations highly represented in Illinois prison system. Every well respected organization has expectations, it is what brings out the bet I all of us, but in recently generations our expectations has been short lived. State political prisoners across America are not living up to the expectations of people like George Jackson, they are not even close to a Daryl Mitchell-EL or Larry Hoover, Minister Riccoe of the A.C.V.L's . You got's to be a "Wolf Dog" and what is a Wolfdog expected to do, but be himself? What do you expect of yourself? If I was you I would expect the best. Who would allow the worst to come but in you? Understanding this, is why our parents, teachers, family members, preachers, women and men were on us so, they had expectations. I have became a model prisoner that prisoners tell me that's older than me, they look up to me, for something as simple as taking a stand, fighting the powers that violate my rights and helping others to do the same. Who would have knew, living up to ones expectations would have touched and changed lives? I never knew how important expectation was to people until I expected people to do for me, what I wouldn't do for self. I'm a soldier, survivor, and am expected to do for self, so why not?
Once you have made a well established name for yourself, people will not expect anything less. I am glad I set my expectations so high, because now the sidelines refuse to let me go under, knowing my greatness. How can I not believe in myself? I'm the same one that fought back in Mt. Sterling Prison, when police unlawfully attacked me because I protested on a hungry strike, about their unjustness. Who else would have took his charge, when Maurice Buckley caught a ticket he didn't commit, which is rare, now a days, I was one of the first to lead a 300 man hungry strike in Pontiac and starved 27 day's before Springfield honored my lawful request. I sued Glen Prewitt a chaplain who died in the courtrooms trying to fight me, for depriving vegan diets unconstitutional on some racist tactics, hiding behind prison policey. I was asked to denounce my political belief when I got caught with some Black Liberation Army, N.O.-W.O.L.F.I.N.-T.O.R.R.O.R.I.S.T literature including that of Black Panther Party. I refused, and am still in segregation behind that right now but as a militant, it is what is expected from me. Is it not? I come too far to turn back now. People tell me my attitude is just like Fread Hampton Sr. whose father got murdered by Chicago police, who I did time with in Stateville. I'm in court now fighting a attempted murder case, on a mob snitch name Lonza Wilson, who claimed he snitched on me to win some lawsuit money, a I-bound on a parole hold, in Rockford known as Yak. I never was one who gave up easy. Everyone recognizes me as one of the hardest fighters they have ever seen- men-tally, physically and spiritually, on every level. What else would you expect from a revolutionary? I'm not scared of the system or the government, we need people that's going to boldly take the people, where they have never gone before. Too many of us now a days, expect to win without a lost, to fight without a bruise and to stand without a fall, All that is to be expected. You must expect the good with the bad, the love with the hate. It's on us to balance it out. The prophet Mohammad was a conqueror and the Prophet called Jesus was a revolutionary. I never met so many people that are not revolutionary, claiming to follow the two most spiritually recognized revolutionaries respected in religions world wide. People want to beg for other's help, writing organizations, ministers and advocates, when they refuse to help themselves. All they can do is fight our cases in court, like the jailhouse prison attorneys that are convicts. All the help we need in prison is right hear at our reach, if we only but use it. We act helpless, when we are looked at as the most dangerious and respected but feared people in the world. Only if the judge knew that killer in prison, is scared to catch a talking ticket, that he convicted most likely for killing a man, who violated him someway in society, The Honorable Louis Farrakhan is honored by most Black prisoners I know Moslem or non Moslem alike. Why? He does what he is expected to do with the donations, that's why the Million More Movement is prized by Blacks across America. I expect the best. -N.O.-W.O.L.F.I.N.-"X" |