Other essays on this theme
Essay: "Expectations"How to Hear the Musesby Paul Pommells "Expectation"- that is a scary word in prison because we get used to being disappointed. We grow a callous of pessimism so that dashed hopes don't hurt as much, but then we realize that the callous is covering most of our personalities.
When I realized that I was running away from setting hopeful expectations to avoid the pain of disappointment, it dawned on me that I had already stopped living. Like an emergency room patient, hovering over his body on the operating table, I gained a new perspective for my life. Gradually, I started to ask myself many questions, one in particular: "What is the nature of homes, dreams and expectations?" What I found was that there are many categories of expectations, such as assumption and self- fulfilling prophecies. What they all seem to do is blind us from impartially seeing Life's opportunities. It is human to have expectations. The ability to suspend them is divine. Only when we break away from the confines of society's scripted expectations do we fully hear the muses. -Paul Pommells |