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Essay: "My Favorite Place"by Michael Collier Service and Brotherhood of Man: My Favorite Place
It's beginning to turn cold and what passes for winter here in the great southwest will soon be settling in. A deep feeling of sadness always comes into my heart at this time of year. It's almost as if a part of me was closing down or leaving with the dying year. I often wonder if my soul is remembering some long forgotten pain or loss from another life. If that is the case, the weight of the experience it comes from must have marked me deeply, for my soul to carry the memory of pain and sadness across the great beyond of death, back into life. How many incarnation's have I felt this and how many are the lives we touch and grow from in this vast play we call life. Each thing we leave behind, effecting the life of the next man, and our future lives as well. What is it, in our individual search into the seen and unseen that will stand with mankind across the limits of our imagination. Moving with us into the infinity beyond infinity of the all pervasive creative intelligence of the universe. What we term God, and in our smallness can never come close to understanding. What we call knowledge for the most part is a passing thing. What rests in our minds and bodies will fade from this world and return empty, hopefully brighter with each rebirth. What is it then, this eternal part of us that reflects the stored building block's of our character. It is our soul and by its light or darkness our character is formed and chosen to bring us the experience we need to grow and become more than what we have been. We each pick who we are and what we will become. Our life grows to fit those choices and our karma moves to accommodate and necessitate the methods most conducive to learning as a result of environment. Every experience allows us an opportunity to acquire greater inner strength and peach that will serve as worthwhile companions on our journey to true soul growth. Individuality is itself a misunderstood element of our being. We are each individual's true, but not individual expressions of our self as so many of us believe. What we are in our individuality are expressions of the greater spark of life that moves through all living things. When we, through our selfishness, shut ourselves off from each other, we close our heart and mind to the eternal flame of truth. What is truth? What Platro was asked this question he answered with mystic intuition that God is truth and light is his shadow. When we let things like pride in race, social standing, intelligence and education stand as a wedge between us we slowly begin to refuse our chance for higher existence through expanded consciousness. Or a future as a thinking, free willing aware being. Animal, plant and mineral have no choice in their day to day existence and service. They must be what they are. Man the individual has a choice. We can accept more responsibility as individuals to guide ourselves, our family, community, and nation along the higher road to further evolution. Or fall behind and avoid our responsibility and live for ourselves or in a selfish group identity and might make the right attitude. My favorite place, well that's simple. My favorite place is in service helping to make the brotherhood of man flourish. So that one day we may enter into that higher order of universal brotherhood. It starts with you, in your heart with love and an unselfish purpose. This is not about change but quiet improvement. |