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Essay: "Fitting In"

Two simple, almost meaningless words... but very powerful, cause most everybody has a desire to be accepted by someone else, to the point of listening to music that you really don't want to hear... vote for and watch a TV program you don't care for... why??? To fit in, somewhere... Mostly to pretend that you are well-liked and have friends...

A lot of people have reinvented themselves in order to fit in... I am talking major overhauls here, eating habits, speech patterns, walking strides, physical appearance, even their sexual attitudes can change, simply at the effort of being a Regular... why again??? Mainly, because it's human nature to herd up into a pack... People gravitate to other people when they assimilate each other's habits and actions, they share recipes, exchange items, talk about their dreams and fears... They do all of this to be liked and admired; to fit in... but everyone doesn't fit in and that's why so many will fight and kill -- simply to fit in.