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Essay: "Fitting In"by Elzie Henson
Throughout the journeys and walks of life, there is a time for all things. To start, to end, to be above and find a friend. A time to cry, a time for peace, a time for love, a time for pain. Through it all, we draw close and bond. Finding the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that one shares alike, and find our differences. Knowing what it means to believe in our beliefs and come to know and find oneself and seek and find our destinations. Just like a tree planted in different seasons, everything happens to cause changes for many, many reasons, as a light that separates darkness and sets the mood, yet changes and brings some kind of good from it all. What is it that causes (us to) want and need and also care? Noble causes make us all want to be a part of what one another wants and needs to hear and feel, yet things have a reason and change lives up and down just like a ride carrying each one from one place to another. Fitting in is the purpose and reason we all share things alike and our differences, as well as choices and decisions we make. As to the carpenter learning a trade to build and create. He starts from a point and reaches another view. I seek to find the point in reality; still, it comes to know avail. If you learn a trade, you somehow learn to design and create, still you learn where everything fits and fulfills its position. When a block is out of place, it stops the completion of a foundation being completed, and when it is in the right place, all seems to come together for the best of creation. Yet we ask ourselves, "what is fitting in?" Being at the right place at the perfect moment. Also, putting feelings and choices in the right perspective to make things grow.