Robert FriedleyRobert Friedley #1058806 Lynwaugh Unit 1098 South Hwy 2037 Ft. Stockton, TX 79735 I was born in Ohio in a small town. I've got three sisters and one brother. I was hurt in an accident when I was five years old lost my right leg and broke up the left one. I was run over by a riding lawnmower. It has and was a hard life growing up. School was the hardest in my life and proving I needed no help was even harder. I've worked since I was 15 years old and I'm six foot tall about 210 weight. I get around better than most people with two legs. I'm forty this year, have two daughters -- one twenty and the other is twelve years old. I had the whole world on my shoulders it felt like at times. It was hard for me in a fast paced world but I worked hard to fit in. I love to read and write. My writings are sometimes misspelled but that's because school was so hard on me trying to fit in that it was hard to learn. Just fell into the wrong person and landed in here. Yes when I get out I would love to take a walk in the park and listen to the sounds of life at look at the wondrous colors of the world. I'm just looking for someone to write and talk to about the going-ons in the world. Thank you. |