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Essay: "General Essay"by Michael Collier In Search of God and Understanding
Fourfold are the steps by which man raises himself upward to God. Early man, through fear, worshiped what he sensed and observed in natures more terrible manifestations through sacrifices to propitiate Him. As man's awareness grew he looked at God as the giver of all things, both good and evil, and his worship and sacrifices grew to encompass his hopes to receive material benefits in the here and now from his God. Man at this stage sacrificed through avarice, expecting the Lord to repay him with blessings upon his household an hundredfold, or as a way to purchase escape from the swift punishment of plague, war, and other manifestations of karma brought about by the man's own individual of shared choices. Much latter he was taught to worship God through prayer and by living a good life. He was told that he must cultivate a faith in heaven, to look through the hardships of his world and by his goodness he could store up treasure receiving a future reward for abstinence from evil thereby escaping Hell to boot. When though will man come to a point where he will do right with no reward, bribe, or punishment as his principle motivating factor to fulfill the responsibilities of manhood. When mankind has learned to do right for its own sake letting that guide his conduct, with-out regard to benefit or injury at present or in future he will have taken a mighty step indeed. Blind patriotism and loyalty to a race, religion, culture, and country is a hindrance to this process, slowing man down in his progress to claim his destiny among the stairs. The Original Semite in their religious beliefs had reached the second of these steps. They were taught to worship an invisible God and expect his reward or punishment through material prosperity or painful affliction. Some of the religions of today are at the third step, certainly Christianity comes to mind in its more popular forms in connection with limited understanding. Many great nations have existed through time and it is a fool's mind that thinks a mighty nation such as Egypt or Rome could be felled by multiculturalism in and of itself or see evil in interfraternization among all peoples. For truly and without deceit we can all learn, one from the other. We know Central Asia to be the cradle of the Aryan Races, having descended from the Original Semites then dispersing to form the nucleus of the Aryan people of India, Babylonia, Assyria, Chaldea, and the Persian, Greco-Latin, Celtic, Teutonic-Anglo-Saxon's (to which we belong). History shows us an unvarying solid in its annals, for every birth and death of a race or nation a newer more streamlined and better equipped one rises from the ashes of the old. Every age must end, just as each season passes and returns, outwardly different yet the same in essence only better for having been before, "continuing its journey", man follows this same path of progress. We are each individuals, there is good, intelligence and nobility in every race. As we travel through many lives our spirits grow reflecting in our character their inner development. Whether your skin is white or black matters not for a true "white man" is judged by the light of his soul, having nothing to do with outer appearance but more on his ability to pierce the veil of those images that to us look and feel so real. From the mixture of different races and nations taking place now will come to "seed" for a new tomorrow, a rising son to replace the fading glory at the twilight of the Gods. We will continue, have no fear of that, as our spirit travels from life to life and world to world it shall always find room to grow. Race in its myriad forms is a sure path to destruction if we make it so, for there is always a danger that a soul may become too attached to a race, that is may become so enmeshed in a racial characteristics it will be unable to rise above the race-idea. The afterlife is not segregated, whether Christian, Muslim, Jew, Pagan, or Buddhist God or the Gods do not discriminate. How then hold we, "the creature", not the creator? When you are faced with a situation that calls for you to stand and be counted because you are being persecuted or the protect the weak, the young or old and our women from uncalled for abuse under any circumstances then by all means do so. Shame and disgrace on you if you do not meet the responsibility of your understanding. We are not to forsake the ties of race, family and clan but to rise above them and see every man as our brother. There is no weakness in the brotherhood of man, only strength, for as one of the greatest men I have ever known once said "anyone can destroy a thing, but it takes a man to build. We are not bodies for they go to the earth after our spirits have passed, nor are we races, but egos striving to unfold the perfection and God in each of us thought mankind. Look to yourself then to the stars for that is our home. |