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Essay: "General Essay"by Wayne Schroeder When dealing with perception, it is not "what" we see, but "how" we see.
There is the matter we face daily, which is called life that must be seen in a new light. Positive and healthy living accrues by our willingness and necessary changes of view. How we see things in our everyday activities has a lot to do with how we feel through-out our day, by seeing things in a more positive light we begin to notice the change in a positive way. Life is based on the individual-outlook, the thoughts we focus on are the realities we live in. Knowing that the mind is the source of our emotions, (which originates from the should) is the key to understanding why others may feel the way they do, thus giving the observer the opportunity to act accordingly with the emotional actions. Everyone comes across hard times, it is the teacher of life, it is how we learn, where and how we focus our thoughts during those "periods of learning" will have its affect on how we respond to life, by keeping and holding beautiful and intelligent thoughts the experience will have its sense of fulfillment. The prospect of our world mustn't be seen with destruction, or else what we view is the chaos of our mind. To weed-out the unwanted of our experiences is the dependence of our focus, see with thoughts of positivity. Look with the pureness of the heart. The ability to reveal the future is in he who is conscious of his reality for what it is, not just for what it is doing. We may not be the creators of the universe (which God undoubtedly is) but the universe we live in, it can be said and known as true, that we are the creators of how we experience our universe in which we live in, thus making it a truth that our world is what we make it by the form of our thoughts, making our mind the root cause of our experiences in life. Then there is the question of predestination that makes the whole of life seems unpredictable and chaotic, but if we are to question predestination, we also must question the concept of free will. If I'm to believe God, I must believe in the actuality of choice, and if we are to choose the direction of our lives, can it also be perceived that the choices we make are ordained by God, I say this because there is no man with which he has the intelligence and knowledge to understand the function of things that could rule out the thought, that there is a force amongst all things in the universe with an intelligence which eludes the egotistic logic of man. This concept can give us the opportunity to see the chaos and use it to our advantage, by creating a thought of calmness it will undoubtedly create the experience of calmness, the perception of our reality, is the experience created by that perception. We as a race must believe that there is a power of creation rooted deep within our being, where the genius of every single person on the planet is placed. The creative power is what we were made of, to think yourself as uncreative, or inartistic is simply lack of understanding. One only needs to be inspired to tap into his artisistc self, his creative genius will come alive, and he will see himself in a new light, changing his whole perception of life, having old beliefs of himself fall away. A key to understand the creation concept is to know that what we think "is real." We are creating every moment, every thought that pops into our head is created form nothing, as we were created from nothing in the hands of God, so that way when you keep thoughts that are the beautiful and empowering kind, you are creating just that experience. I believe that life is to be experienced with the profound and amazing expression of love. Love is the beauty, the spirit, and the power behind all things good (remembering that God is good, and creates all and only that which is good). We have the opportunity to express one of the most powerful feelings that could be extended toward another everyday, that alone is a powerful concept. I implore all on this walk of life, if we are to look at another let it be of love. It is good to fill your mind with that of anything go wrong. Love is our true nature, it is the way of the heart, now I'm not speaking of that organ which pumps blood, but the core of our being, that which we are. By allowing yourself to love and to be loved can be a powerful revelation of one's realization in the functuality of his true nature, this loving creation of God. Know you are this being formed by the loving hands of God, take in each breath as if it were your first, be alive every moment and take nothing for granted. This is our world, our experience, and it is ours to make, it sours to choose the heart desire's the good of love. The choice is easy because the heart already knows what it needs. Thinking love is the truth that needs to be applied in our everyday thinking, this is how we can better function with others simply by loving others. The matter of thought is the mass which feels the space of the mind, it must be allowed to be realized that mind-space is a universe of thought. It would be best to have control over this universe, by placing loving forms of thought within the mind-space, we are creating a Friendly universe in which our life's can be seen as true. Creating the reality, the universe in the mind is a source in which help's mold our outer realities. It must be acquired that our thoughts be in harmony with the mind, the place in which they are formed and dwell, with peace of mind we are at peace with what accrues in our external realities. Knowing that the source is all there is, source being, that which we originated from, there can only be one reality, and that one is all, the illusion of separation is an ego based thought, that I am mine, me is all functions of ego. Spirit is and can only be that which is living the life, the energy, the power is spirit and this understanding gives the notion that the ability to do, or and create that which can be formed in the mind, that can be made manifested in our outer reality's. All one needs to do is have the belief in what he is doing. The faith in our consciousness is a fundamental aspect of our creative ability, faith being that is must be a belief without doubt, if you have no doubt success is abound. We all have a common belief in life, and that is to thrive, if you believe nothing else I have written here, believe that every person on earth, the people we come across has this strong belief of thriving. This commonality in this force of thriving is a function of oneness, just by knowing that the people around you are living just as you are, gives the realization that you are more closer, more connected to the people around you then you have ever thought possible, and you don't' have to know them, all that matters is the awareness of oneness and love being present in your mind and love because of the fact that we are all living souls. The universal law declares that what's meant to be is what's meant to be. The function of this law is that in every moment, every second we are being moved toward something bigger, something greater, pushing and pulling toward purpose, toward greater existence. The main reason we are here on this planet in the first place is to learn, to spiritually evolve, because of this reason, that is the reason why everything happens the way it does in our journey of life. We must understand that we are here to learn, by focusing the mind on our experiences, know that the source is trying to tell us something. Having the consciousness of spirit in our everyday awareness we begin to know that God is working his creation every waking moment. There is nothing in nature with the consciousness of source that cannot be accomplished. When we are aware of the guidance of spirit the right things at the right time seem to accrue, that is because there is no coincidence in life, there is only that which is on purpose, and in remembering in life, there is only that which is on purpose, and in remembering the universal law, we realize that by the consciousness of spirit we are allowing our self to live on purpose. It is a proven fact that the energy we have through-out the day, has a lot to do with our external surroundings. The energy that we "choose" to surround ourselves with will reflect in our mood and in our actions throughout the day, thus making it necessary to create an environment that revolves around positive and nurturing aspects. Inspiration is the source of energy that flows within, when we are inspired as Dr.Wayne Dyer so beautifully puts it, "in-spirit", a surge of power that fills our entire being, our genius awakens from its slumber, and we become far-greater people then ever imagined. I believe it is our duty to find what inspires us, so our greater work's can be expressed into world, with the love and integrity of our own minds, let us do our best to stay inspired, to stay in spirit, fill your life with its wonders and be in a state of amazement, see and feel what life has to show us. Remember we experience life and life experiences us. Now everyone knows the concept of words, words are the ruler of our society, with words we are able to learn, understand, and communicate with one another. What is sometimes forgotten, or not understood is that words hold real power, they affect us in a real way, words can bring us joy and make us feel good, and they can also make you angry, even enraged. It is up to us if we are going to accept what words have been spoken to us, why should we "allow" others to take away our inner peace and joy, or dictate our actions to say what they say. If we are being of an unlimited source, we should live our life's by that notion, knowing that we are create din God's image with his power, not living our life's by the opinion's of others. Life is too long to live it in the shadows of words, know what you know by the truth of your heart. To find ourselves in life a journey of experience is need it, the journey is necessary for our growth in life, but there is no far place one must go to discover himself, the place traveled is within, it is in how we understand the learning in life's experience, it's in how we reach out to one another with the love and compassion of our soul. There is a truth when it comes to understanding that the self growth into our true nature, is in how we act and react toward one another. I can only express the emotion of this truth with mere written words, in hopes that you may understand and feel what truth I speak, that when we look at each other see and know that we are spirit creations, see the should instead of the external image, that way it is easier to love the person for what he is, no matter how that person may seem on the outside, or what that person may be going through. There are things a man mustn't think about. The thoughts of our mind can bring us in a state of Nirvana, this is possible only by the clarity of one's mind, the ability to clear the mind at will. The power of thought is the maker of our life, understand it and it is yours. The power lies in the for of thought, and knowing the reason for life although unknown and mysterious at times, it is in the "path" that makes it a wonder to be alive. The power of God lies within, all we need to do is accept God's life in our life. As I stated before by being "in-spirit" in this form or state of mind, the world comes alive, the workings of spirit becomes visible. When the connection between you and God is clear, knowing that God is the source of all that is good din the universe, that intelligent force in the universe, your world becomes a living force of life, where the right things appear at the right time. It's not that the right things didn't appear before, the difference is in, by being in this state of mind the consciousness of your perception has changed, making the awareness of God's perfection present. Keeping this thought of perfection is always good practice, because perfection is all that is in God. If you truly see with spirit you will notice the perfection of life, that mysterious reason why all the things come together at the right time, because it is in the seeing of perfection at all time's when the thing that happen around you seem to fall in place. Life is perfectly placed, stay conscious of that, all that is in life is yours, believe there is no limitations but the bounds of our own deception. I implore all to see life for what it is, I can help but constantly repeat how important that concept is, life is full of this untapped potential, intelligence and experience, why would anyone want to watch it pass them by, grab hold of life and watch it take you to the "perfect" place, at the "perfect" time. Knowing the God presence of our life can only bring confirmation of our genius. The genius of man come through the truth of silence and consent meditation, our greatest works are formed from those sweet moments of silence. That early morning calmness where it seems as if there is no one in the world but God and you, you then begin to see yourself taken away to a place where what you create can only be that of truth. Draw from the presence of God and you will see your genius in life, God's genius in you. Once you've realized your worth hold it under your feet, nourish your genius by focusing on like energy's, the more we focus and practice, the greater our works will be. It is a sign of foolishness when one leave's thought of source energy, that source which make's our genius works great, and beings to think that' what I do, or what I create is because of me alone", this concept may seem true on the surface but he that creates know's on a much deeper level, that he cannot deny that divine presence, that force which moves with such perfection that in those moments of creation he will say that he was not himself, as if outside of himself seeing the power of his should at work. God is the power which sustains life. Just by knowing this power which is God reminds us that God's power flows through us, gives us the perception that anything we put our focus upon, gives that which our focus is on real power, you give life to that focus. So remembering that when we put focus on our good deed's and actions we are bringing a living force to that demand, or action. Finally, I would like to mention here the necessary and valiant practice of silence and meditatation. When we are in the midst of silence the intuitive consciousness becomes awakened, our minds are clear, making the notion that the presence of God is a reality. Within silent meditation our true self becomes present, and that present moment is no longer as it was, but our divinity shine's through our works our deeds becoming true and pure, thoughts come into our consciousness as if whispers in the ear. The understanding that with silent moment's our greatest works are accomplished can have a profound affect on our lives, knowing that it is God's time with us. What our mind desires is the peace that only the presence of God can allow, truth lies within the sweet practice of meditation, it is the practice to be at our best, by the consciousness and awareness of spirit at all time's. There is no one who will take this step of consciousness for you, it is our duty to aware of God's presence, to be aware is to be conscious, to be conscious is to be in spirit by being in spirit we are flowing with its life, making our lives a more wondrous place to live. It is all in our perception, change your perception, and watch your life change as it is perceived. To you my brother's and sisters on this journey of self-realization, stay in Christ's consciousness, and keep in your heart the desired destination of our should, heaven. With the love of my heart and truth of my soul. |