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Essay: "God"by Damion T Bullock
The topic of God, an all-knowing, all-seeing, forgiving, merciful as well as wrathful God has been a constant source of speculation, debate, firm belief or outright denial since "first man."
I would like to attempt to discuss my view/perspective and reality regarding the Creator and in doing so, insha Allah (God-willing), the reader may take some time and reflect on self, the creation and their place in the scheme of things. Before all else I must say that I am a Believer as defined by the Holy Qur'an and by definition I specifically believe that there is only one God that rules all that exist and this God (Creator) of all that exist established a Divine order to creation via a law, written for man via revelation. Allow me to share a verse from the Holy Qur'an: chapter 2, verse 2 "This is the Book: in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah." Throughout the Revelation of the Qur'an is not only guidance but also theological history on past people of various nations that Allah/God revealed revelation to, in which the sole purpose was to guide and lead them to proper moral and ethical conduct. We, as mankind, aren't born "knowing" how to conduct ourselves, but we do have an inquiring nature. From day one we are seeking, consequently we are "born students." The reality we often miss while in our formative years is to whom or what do we receive our mentorship from, tutelage and that is the beginning of either balance or imbalance within ourselves. Allah/God created humankind with the ability of thought, logic and reason. We were given the blessing of articulation through spoken and written word and signs. Each method of communication serves the purpose or social interaction for spiritual, intellectual and emotional development. By observation and meditation, anyone can recognize a Divine order, however, the Creator didn't leave us to stumble blindly. The proper code of study, worship, and consequent conduct has been revealed by Allah/God to all of creation via revelation. As a student from birth it is very counterproductive to expect success in life without questioning one's existence as well as actually being constant in the pursuit of truth. Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Tao and a multitude of other revealed religions, each have a scripture as well as a messenger that received their guidance from the Creator. How does one know this, accept or deny? Each man/woman that desires to know must observe self and acknowledge their limitations also recognize without doubt the why of it. In doing so, one will come to terms with their own mortality as well as the reality of their creation by a being that is greater than anyone can imagine. Allah Akbar! (God is greater). As a Muslim, it is second nature for me to glorify by reciting the above, but in doing so it is done with a sincere and heartfelt conviction that God is greater. To look at the creation with an honest and clear vision is to be in awe of God. Fear by faith in not the fear of ghost, fire, or pain, etc..., it is reverence, sincere acknowledgement of the beauty, majesty and grandeur or a being that can structure a universe to such minute detail that there is no error or fault in its construction. The sun, moon, stars, oceans, are direct creations of God. Compare each with man's accomplishments: Atom bombs, nuclear bombs, dams which torn deserts into cities with fountains, etc... Each accomplishment was achieved by humankind studying God's creation! To attempt to embrace theories of evolution (Darwinism) and the Big Bang (Big coincidence) is to actually attempt to defy humankind. How? Does the eternal student truly believe he/she can replicate the conditions of a star or any natural phenomena and "create"? How does one create that which already exist? There must be a model, an inspiration! According to the Holy Qur'an it is Allah/God that inspires and it is the creation that responds. Humankind is at conflict with its own Creator by attempting to claim that which is in abundance as well as provided for all of creation. Boundaries are set, laws made and God's laws denied. God is the universal parent and a loving, knowledgeable parent not only provides for its children's welfare, but is also prepared for every event. We as humankind must look to our universal parent and seek guidance in our daily affairs. As a Muslim, I am taught that the world is a "house of worship" and to stay diligent in worship and supplication. As Muslims, we are taught to first acknowledge Allah/God, his unity and supremacy, once sincerely done, then and only then do we have a right to supplicate (pray), request for help. Using logic and reason, one can reflect on the tangible. Our parents or guardians expect our respect towards them as well as a humble nature, and gratefulness for their roles in our lives. Think on this! Our parents are also created beings, they also owe thanks to God and their duty prior to conceiving you/us was to acknowledge God, they why of their existence, their attributes, etc... and the possibilities due to their inherent blessings. We must first realize our Creator, and become thankful for our lives and potential. Once done, we should be conscious of the eternal source and our duty to turn towards it seeking guidance, sustenance and health. As I stated at the beginning of the essay, I am Muslim. Consequently, my reasoning stems from study, worship and application of the Qur'anic precepts, injunctions, and commands. Please pay attention to the following. It defines a true believer as defined by Allah/God via the Holy Qur'an, chapter 2, verse 177: "It is not righteousness that you turn your faces toward East or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the angels, and the Book, and the messengers, to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfill the contracts which you have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, those who fear Allah." Dear reader, I respectfully request you to take your time and really ponder that which is commanded regarding Islamic conduct which is the result of an Islamic perspective. God and the method of His message conveyed to mankind is the foundation of a Muslim's faith. How truth is relayed is just as important as the source truth is coming from. All of humankind is united through this reality and if one truly believes in God, their journey toward truth will result in a particular code more of operation. The aforementioned verse states in pertinent part, "to spend of your substance, our of love for Him..." As a muslim, it is an accepted reality that all we do is for the pleasure of our creator. Muslim actually means "one who submits to God's will." Islam is "a life of submission to God's will." Review the last portion of the aforementioned verse, "Such are the people of truth, those who fear Allah." As I stated earlier, a Muslim, a true believer and practitioner of Islam, is in constant awe and respect of God. Consequently, the definition of a Muslim and his/her moral and ethical code defined by God via the Qur'an is adhered to strictly. No law made by man can actually govern man. Why? Belief is man is to believe in the fallible also temporarily. Allah Akbar! (God is greater). God is eternal, infallible, and only wants what is best for His universal family. All is takes for humankind to succeed in life as well as death is to acknowledge the supremacy of God. We as humankind often believe we can improve on the perfect. God is perfect as well as all God created. The revelations are perfect and humankind is at fault in their rebellion to embrace God and His truth in its totality. I have done my best without being verbose to share my reality of God, resulting worship, study and application of the guidance I receive from Allah/God. In closing, I'd like to end this essay with God's word as revealed via the Holy Qur'an. For anything I may have said in error, the fault is my own, for any good or inspirational observation or statement I made, all praise is due to Allah. Chapter 35, verses 3, 15 3.) "O men! Call to mind the grace of Allah unto you! Is there a Creator other than Allah, to give you sustenance from heaven or earth? There is no god but He: how then are you deluded away from the truth? 15.) O you men! It is your that have need of Allah, but Allah is the one free of all wants, worthy of all praise." Chapter 3, verse 28 "Let not the Believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah; except by way of precaution, that you may guard yourselves from them. But Allah continues you Himself; for the final goal is to Allah." |