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Essay: "God"by Steven Golik Gods and Goddesses of Scandinavia
Webster's dictionary says a god is "the supreme being; the ruler of life and the universe." To me, that sounds like god is a single being. I don't believe that. I believe we have gods and goddesses that were here before any other "god." I am an Odinist and my belief is in polytheism. When I think of God, I think of my ancestors from Iceland, Germany and Scandinavia. I think of the one-eyed Odin, the red beard Thor, the ultra beautiful Freya, the mother Frigga, the one-handed Tyr, the blinding white god Heimdall, and the many more that there are. There is an awakening happening amongst my folk. It is a most beautiful site to see the folk come home to their gods and goddesses- their ancestors- that have been pushed from our minds by Christianity. Odinism is a heritage based religion. Contrary to what may be read or heard about Odinists, we are not a racist, hate religion. We are, as I said, heritage based, which means that if your ancestors came from Scandinavia, then they are probably believed to be our gods and/or goddesses. That does, however, also mean that you are Caucasian. |