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Essay: "God"

Plugging Positive

As I'm agnostic, you'd think it is hard for me to describe God. But, it's not. My theory of God is very personal, but I'm willing to share. No, it's not my goal to convert anyone (that would be creating another religion and I don't believe in religion; all religion is manmade). How can one person tell another how to worship their God? God is personal and I'm just plugging for a positive attitude. Externally, I view God as an energy that animates all things. Yes, I really mean all things. Stone, earth, steel, fire, air- all that is elemental; nothing is dead, only constantly changing forms (this includes humans too). The less stable an element, the more life it contains since life is energy. Anyone that has ever fought fire knows it lives- out of control, it becomes a demon. If properly channeled, it [fire] is a savior and friend to man. In this outward view, God is the energy that connects each individual molecule to every other, if only tenuously. Life electricity, God energy has polarities. Whatever pole a person chooses to plug into is up to each person individually. Negative? Positive? It's your choice. How? That's the simplest part. Your plug is your mind. If you think positive, your actions are positive; you connect to a limitless source of power to fuel your positive goals.

Unfortunately, it's just as simple to connect to the negative pole (maybe easier for most people in the beginning. This energy is also infinite. Why else would the world be so filled with hunger and pain and war? Thinking and acting negatively- letting your greed and hatred rule you- can ultimately be a problem for you. For those not yet plugged in, I urge you to try the positive. Any act that lifts someone up plugs you in. All it takes to maintain the connection is a kind word or a bit of encouragement to a fellow human. Showing compassion to another creature is also a positive act. You'll feel joy when doing it. In time, the circuit will remain open all the time and continuously cycle positive energy through you. It connects you to all those you lift up and their good feelings filter into your life in return. It's cumulative. It's great!

Negative connection, though easier in the beginning, requires a constant battle to acquire energy through pushing others down. It can't be cumulative because no one will willingly stay connected to a circuit that drains them. Negatives are in a constant struggle to stay on top and always warring to pull each other down. They prey on anyone they can oppress. Negatives are never happy; they can't be content. Negatives have to defend their positions and search for new victims if they are to ever feel lifted.

Pushing others down gives them the illusion of feeling exalted as they sink ever deeper into the abyss of despair. Internally, God is the force that animates all life forms. An atom of God is what we call our souls and it rest in each creature. That bit of God is benign and has no charge. Thus, free will is granted to all. We charge it, like a battery, by our thoughts and actions. IN some cases, however, it takes a charge from the environment we live in. If you are around negative people, you are sure to take on some negative characteristics and develop a negative charge that can lead to your being plugged into the negative circuit.

My good news is that you can change your polarity by unplugging from the negative pole. Disassociate yourself from negative people and commit yourself to positive conduct. Don't gossip; don't curse. Let kindness and courtesy rule your actions. It's hard to change in the prisons because there is so much around that is negative. It makes it more difficult, but not impossible. There are opportunities to help others abound in prison, but you have to be willing to take advantage of them and not care about what others think about you.

What is best about connecting to the positive pole of God's energy is that it requires you to pick someone up, encourage a friend, or help someone through hard times. It's as easy as saying "thank you" and smiling when the guard brings you a meal. Reaffirm your own humanity by treating another humanely.

If enough people were connected to the positive, all the most negative aspects of civilization would disappear, even in prisons. That brings me to a philosophy, an ancient question and the culmination of my theory of God: can there be good (positive) if there is no evil (negative) to give it meaning? I don't know, but I'd love to find out. Until then, it's only a unproven theory. Yet, everyone can prove to themselves the change plugging positive can bring to their lives by simply trying it