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Essay: "God"by Jonathan Hooper The Sadist and Masochist; God and Man
The sadist is the one who commands, exploits, hurt, humiliates and controls. He wants to free himself of being alone and from feeling isolated so he creates another person as part of himself. He inflates his ego and power and deifies himself by using another person to depend, need and worship "Him." The masochist gives himself in mind, body and soul to the one who directs, guides, controls, abuses and (sometimes) kills. The one to whom he submits is the very life and oxygen for his ability to exist. The sadist is everything; the masochist is nothing, yet he is still apart of the sadist. The masochist has no integrity; he renounces it and makes himself the instrument and object of malice to someone or something outside himself. What they both have in common is fusion without integrity. Two beings become one, yet still remain as two. Man is the most primitive animal on the face of the earth. He has discovered the law of survival and learned to heal himself when he is sick. He's learned to defend himself against any danger; he has learned to condition his body to survive in all types of weather climates. Man can think strategically. He has created vast technology. He's learned to fly and he's even gone to outer space. Man has discovered the powerful force within himself- his "will." Yet, despite the many accomplishments and great feats man has made on his own, he still finds a need to look for a higher existence. Belief in himself would be forbidden; therefore, he creates a "god." Man's conscience is guilt ridden and insecure. He can't stop and look in the mirror and face who he's become and see what he really is because if he was to take a look in the mirror, he'd see his "God." But, people insist that there is a separate being greater than humans to whom we must get on our knees and pay homage. But, what do we look like on our knees praying to a God we've never seen? And when will these prayers be answered? How long must man bow before "God" and say that he is weak and beyond control of his own life and wonder for a single blessing to be distributed by "His Most Gracious?" If this God did exist, wouldn't this world be in a better state due to all the prayers for mercy and blessings? Look at all the innocent people who die. And to them, what does the Christian say? "It was God's will." What kind of merciful God would stand back and watch His own creation be destroyed. The Sadist! And who is better to serve the sadist than the masochist? If the roles were reversed and you were given the powers that God has, could and would you be able to stand back and watch your very own children suffer physical, emotional and mental pain? Could you bear to lie in the night and sleep through the cries of pain and cries for help from your children? Could you do it if you knew you were able to step in and save them from their suffering? When we are the creators and destroyers of life, could we not be our own "God?" Didn't the famous philosopher say, "without man there would be no God. For it takes man to acknowledge that there's a God" (F. Nietchie). Man has always created his own gods, rather than his gods creating him. The way that the followers of the false doctrine insist that "God" exists is through the tragedy of the world. They say "it is God's wrath that has brought this tragedy upon us. He is displeased with man's ways." So, when is he ever happy? When we are the ones who suffer in the flesh of this life, what is our reward for being the martyrs of the flesh? We have common sense and rationality to be able to free our minds of the control given to the church over our lives. Once man is free from the "God myth," then he will be the master of his self-emancipation in the glory of his new found self deceived for their shameful weakness. We were born to live and die. Live- we can if we choose and die, inevitably, we will. So, in order to get the best in life, we must avoid these dark, crooked, and narrow paths of religions that remand our submission. Be humble and meek before a god that's been given power to kill. Perform miracles to gratify his will and control without any apparent responsibility. For too long religionists have run to their Bible to prove or disprove, justify, condemn or interpret reasons for their god's actions. I realize that I, as well as the action and reaction of the universe is responsible for everything and I won't mislead myself into thinking that someone "higher" cares. NO longer will I sit back and accept "fate" without doing anything about it just because it says so in chapter ____ or whatever name you give it. It's seen as the balancing factor in nature; it's not being concerned with suffering. The truth has never set anyone free; it's only doubt, which will bring mental emancipation. I believe that man has felt the need for a god for lots of reasons. But mostly because he is unwilling to look beyond the threshold of supposed truth, brave the unknown and test the limits of that crooked line drawn between freedom and conformity by the shaky, hypocritical Christian hand- the very hand that points at those and says who should stand where. The other reason is because we learned our physical being is not immortal. So, man has become afraid of death. He has a desire to live forever, but knowing it isn't possible here on earth in the same body. Man created his god and his heaven to release the burden of those who fear death with the conception of a happy eternal after life. And he convinces himself that he will be rewarded by this illusion if he abstains from the pleasures of life and enslave his mind to the man-made "golden" rules. But, it is written by Rev Monolos S.P.: "only the death-loving would waste time mourning at the portal of the tomb, fearing that which he most longs for. A life spent instead of lived cannot conceive of things infinite." The chains around the necks of the Christian minions are rusting away. And their god is way overdue. I close with this quote from A.S. Lavey from the respected Infernal Diatribe, "There is no heaven of glory bright and no hell where sinners roast. Here and now is our day of torment! Here and now is our day of joy! Here and now is our opportunity! Choose ye this day, this hour, for no redeemer liveth! Say unto thine own heart, 'I am mine own.'." Once the masochist looks at himself and within himself, then he will see who it is that he depends on for his pleasure-pain; thus, he will become his own sadist for it is "him" whom he's been all his life. Then, the sadist outside of the masochist will fade away into oblivion. |