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Essay: "God"

by Kyle
The Lost Little Lamb's Prayer

Dear God,
It's me again. You remember the little deaf guy with more trouble than Gideon. He was always my favorite Bible character- Gideon, I mean.. I guess you know all about him. I reckon you know all about me too after all these years and the prayers Momma said for her lost little lamb. She always said I was her lost little lamb. I sure hope she's doing okay up there, Lord. I sure do miss her a lot Who will pray for me now? Oh, I always intended to talk to you myself- more than just when I got in trouble. It's just that I got so busy and then I was tired a lot and.... Well, that's gonna change now. To start, I wanna say some thank you's. That money sis was able to send sure helped. I know she ain't got much herself, Lord. Also, the new pen pal, Mr. Tong Li. He doesn't write English so good,, but he sure is a friendly ole guy and China is so interesting a place. That rain a while ago was sure a blessin'. It was so hot in this cell, I was about ready to scream! I know there must be a hundred other things I just wasn't payin' attention like I should or I forgot. Maybe I need to start makin' a list.

Oh yea, a real big special thanks for helpin' Danny get that scholarship thing. He sure worked hard and I was so worried my bad life was gonna cheat him out of it.. Those folks didn't even care that his pop was in prison. SO, thanks for that. You know he ain't got no mom, so I reckon it falls on me to say a word for him. You already know he's a good kid, ain't never done nothing really wrong. I just pray he will have a good life- maybe have a wife and a couple of kids. He wants to be one of those doctors who takes care of women. I think he'll do a good job, Lord. So, please watch over him.

Now here is the askin' part. I ain't in no bad trouble like before, Lord. It's just a couple of things I need a little help with. One is real simple, see. There are these people at this big University- free world folk- set up these projects and programs like writing stuff and history stuff and book stuff, even jugglin' and a thing called origami. It is for people in prison and it is free. I decided to do some of the stuff, but here is the thing, I got to write some on a them essay thingy and this month you are the theme. What can I write about you? The other thing is a little harder. You know that parole thing is coming up again. This time, Lord, I think they are gonna let me go and I am just so scared I can hardly sleep. My boy was just a new born baby when they put me in here. He is a grown man, ready to go to college. I can't do no mechanics any more.. Cars ain't care like they use to be. I seen pictures and they just ain't the same. Nothin' much is the same. The world is all run by computers now. I don't know much about those. It just ain't the same world. I got my little job out in the boot factory. It don't pay nothin', but they tell you what to do, so you ain't got to know anything. And I got a bed and food, better than homeless fold. That's what I'd be out there. That just ain't my world out there, Lord, and I don't want to leave. They ain't got no call to do this to me, now that my life is gone.

Well, that's it, I guess. I hope you can understand. I ain't ungrateful, but.... Well, maybe they could give some youngster another shot at it and just leave me alone. Thank you, Lord. In your son's Holy name... Amen,