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Essay: "God"by Uri Sr. Smalls One God
God. The Absolute God. The Most High God. That God, which is only one, must find us humans quite amusing. We all claim to believe in this God (unless we're atheists), yet we seem to disagree and argue amongst ourselves when we discuss this God. We all think "our God" and "our Scripture and "our Religion" are the ones that are right, and what everyone else thinks must be wrong. But, we should consider the fact that God is before our creation. And if He created us and gave us divine revelations, why wouldn't He reach out to others of His creation, giving them divine revelations? The earth has a lot of parts that are similar, but there is much about locations that differ. We have different land masses, different climates, and different languages. However, this does not prevent God from reaching out to everyone. God is all-powerful and can reach out to everyone, even at the same time. Yes, it's true. If a good look is taken at the great men and women of God who have walked our planet, we will see that they all had an experience with God. They actually felt and experienced God on a "real" level or on a spiritual level. Buddha, Krishna, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, etc. have all had their spiritual experience with God. They all stayed in tune with this experience through meditations, prayers, quietness in solitude, fasting, giving love to others and worship. And this is what we should do. When our focus is on the actual experience of God, we are able to look through the different earthly appearances of conflict. God is above conflict and greater than the earth Once we realize that God is above these differences, we will learn to become fascinated when we learn of different expressions of serving the one God. We will be able to look at other people's ways of life and say, "Wow, what an amazing way of serving God!" It doesn't mean that we change and adopt their ways; it just means that we become aware that the love of God is capable of being expressed by many, even if the expression is different from ours. |