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Essay: "Isolation and Solitude"

Citizens often don’t realize that we are sent to prison as punishment, rather than for additional punishment. Everything the “kops” do in prison is punishment oriented, even if it is merely their constant efforts at cost-cutting. The most common punishment is isolation. The younger captives particularly suffer due to the forced isolation. They crave companionship and require social discourse for proper development of their minds. Science proves that minds shrink or expand in response to the amount of stimulus provided. Young captives tend to require some sort of noisemaker, such as a radio or TV, going all the time. I theorize that this serves to hold open virtually empty minds until they can gather enough pressure from experience, memories and knowledge to prevent the mind from collapsing. Unused nerve cells simply die off, so evolution invented “simulated thought” (musical sounds).

As one accumulates experience and knowledge, the intellectual isolation becomes torture. What is amazing is how short a time it takes to learn everything there is that a young captive wishes to tell about himself and he begins repeating himself. Eventually you’ve heard virtually every type and variation of story that they are able to tell. The limitations of the young, illiterate, unexperienced or unknowledgeable become apparent and annoying quite swiftly when the entire world is shrunk to only 50 individuals stuck 24/7 in a 50-foot-square cage.

Negroes have adapted to cage life isolation better than anyone else. They can find something to laugh uproariously about under the worst conditions. They have keen eyesight and strong vocal cords. If they can merely see you through a crack, or under a door, or through sheets of bulletproof plexiglass, they can scream a greeting and a request to you, even from great distances.

The part of isolation that most damns the youngsters is the way it shuts off their access to supplies. Prison is an environment of forced deprivation. The kops can become very jealous of anything you possess, and may decide to rob you of it at any time. This makes everything very valuable, even small pieces of cloth, tape or wire. Extra cloth can make your toilet paper last the required week even if you are sick with diarrhea or the flu. A small piece of tape can keep you from forgetting to obtain something from the long list of things you require from the Law Library kop when he sneak-sprints past your cage during his “service” rounds. A piece of wire can get you fire to make ink so you can sell a tattoo for food or dope, etc… The more isolated the captives, the more valuable things become, and the more insistent the begging for them.

This is where older captives suffer. We are the equivalent of convenience stores for youngsters. They have nothing, and commonly make careers out of begging, going door to door until they have sold their sob stories for enough loot to trade for dope, food or coffee. Older captives have to constantly run these beggars off, because giving something to someone means word spreads that you are weak and giving stuff away for free. Persons who have work to do value isolation for this reason.

Worse than the constant begging is the way the kops isolate us from the world. They have this big lie they sell to the public: “you citizens are too foolish to protect yourselves from our captives who may write you with schemes. You need us to baby-sit you, and to read what they mail to you, censor it for you, and stamp the envelope with huge warning labels that stigmatizes both sender and receiver.” One of their primary goals in selling this lie is to conceal what they are doing to us with even more isolation. They isolate us by making it so hard to communicate their torture of us to the outside that we give up. They isolate us by using their media tools to pump out continuous anti-criminal terror at a near hysterical pitch. My family acts afraid of me ever since two lying strangers duped a jury, with the help of a corrupt city conviction machine, into declaring me guilty of murder. They still act afraid of me despite the fact that I have since proven my innocence with the authorities’ own records of their steering witnesses, lies to jurors ad thefts of scientific evidence. The absolute worst isolation is when lying officials can so easily destroy decades of family bonds with only a few barely plausible falsehoods.

Authorities have succeeded in their profitable criminal-legislating and pariah-creating efforts so well that their prisoner-ranching operations can now only be built far out of sight. The official, hysterical anti-crime propaganda has made citizens determined that no new human ranches be built near where free citizens live. Criminal ranching has become so profitable that it has exploded out of room at existing urban sites. Corporate masters of business administration have noticed how easily politicians create pariahs and the lucrative, eager taxpayer subsidies for them; they demanded a share of the profits. Captivity is an unregulated business where the practitioners can do anything they want to the hated captives and be cheered on for it instead of reviled. E.g. price gouging is extreme: we pay $45/Lb for salt. No gov’t official will fix this. Slow death is not just permissible, it is routine. E.g. cancer rates in prisons are sky high due to cost-cutting measures that make processed scrap “meats” the major fare.i They are chock full of sodium nitrate in order to prevent immediate death via botulism, which causes slow death via digestive system cancers. A recently released scientific study re-confirmed what we have known for decades; specifically, “one ounce of processed meats consumed weekly increases the risk of colon cancer by 21%.” This was so unbelievably high, I had to listen twice to make sure they didn’t correct it later. It was only repeated once, then was replaced with the standard fare of car wrecks, plane crashes, politician blather, weather inconsequentialities, and street crime stories. If the citizens noticed and were outraged that baloney and hot dogs equals poison, their angry cries were not allowed to surface in the “public” media. Instead, a baloney industry mouthpiece was given an interview two weeks later to deny everything and sooth “misconceptions” with corporate damage control. The public temporarily slacked off on consuming “luncheon meats.” Captives have no choice but to eat this crap as the main course at least nine times per week in this corporate prison, where they have learned that bad food is the primary cause of destructive riots.ii State-run prisons, with their infinite tax-payer resources, view riots as opportunities to replace old prisons and obtain higher pay, more personnel, and better equipment.iii Hence they serve poisonous food much more often, and simply pretend that skyrocketing medical costs are simply “a normal part of the aging prisoner population.” The only part of criminal-ranching that does not involve isolation, concealment and secrecy is the recently installed phone business. This is where the state/corporate alliance puts on a family-friendly façade in order to share the tremendous profits available through letting their penniless victims beg money from their mothers and sisters.

By far, the most vicious isolation policy the state/corporate alliance uses against its captives is the way they stamp out employment while duping the citizenry that the opposite is occurring. In actual fact, forced idleness is the law in prison. E.g., writers are specifically outlawed from practicing our profession, while the state’s “skillcenters” provide “jobs” that primarily mirror household chores, such as taking out trash, sweep-mop-wax-buff, cook food, wash trays and doing laundry. Plus there is such a surplus of captives and surfeit of “jobs” that each “job” has about 3 inmates to do it. Even so, most inmates have no job, and thus no money. So they make their own employment. This is where forced unemployment is most cruel. These young inmates still crave the nicotine, caffeine, sugar and dope that has suddenly double or quadrupled in price. These cravings turn many of them into sexual servants. They all want to be macho robbers and killers, but forced unemployment makes them do deviant things when the door locks and the gawking-slit is covered over with paper.

Now the medical isolation kicks in: they can’t go to the doctor. We have only physician’s assistants, nurse practitioners, paramedics and aides. The “doctor” is absent except for his diploma on the wall. When inmates’ rumps, groins, throats and faces erupt with warts, cankers, puss-sores and herpes lesions, they avoid the medics until their conditions are life threatening. Why? First, they think the stuff will clear up and heal on its own. When it spreads over the side of their faces, down their legs or up their backs, they seek out “smart” inmates for advice. Only when the itching, swelling and bleeding are too intense to bear will they go to the medic, because prison policy is dark-age: they “discourage” homosexual behavior by reporting it to the victim’s kin.

Truly, outside observers can learn the most about the morality of a culture by scrutinizing conditions it allows in its enslavement facilities. This is why they must operate in the highest degree of secrecy possible. Some U.S. prisons are so unspeakably abusive that they cannot even be let to exist within the political boundary of our Constitution. These “outlaw” prisons like Guantanamo Bay and the U.S. operated Mossar-E-Sharif in Afghanistan, and the famous “Lyndie England” U.S. military prison in Iraq show our government as the insane, rabid animal it is. The Lyndie England prison got shut down soon as it lost it’s isolation in the form of a disk of 150-plus photographs of prisoners being only mildly tortured in preparation for the real torture. Citizens have largely forgotten the fight there over CIA sadists leaving tortured-to-death corpses there for the National Guard flunkies to dispose of. At Mossar-E-Sharif, the U.S. military was filmed torturing the “American Taliban” by threatening to let him bleed to death. They also got caught with 30 corpses, seven of which had the back of their heads blown out. Victims’ stories confirm that these seven were murdered one by one in front of other victims in order to induce the others to feed our “soldiers” the location of others to capture, torture and murder.

This is how they swiftly filled up the hastily constructed dog cages in Cuba. This is where the sadists polished their torture techniques in the strictest secrecy and isolation. These curs in control of our Government hired famous defense lawyers like Alan Dershowitz to whore-out his reputation so they could change the law to allow torture most vile. They hired psychologists to study just how far and long they could torture their victims, bringing to the razor edge of pain, despair, madness and death before allowing them minimal peace and healing prior to another agonizing trip to the lowest circle of Hell. They filmed these sadistic orgies for further study. The only difference between these grinning CIA torture-maniacs and Hitler’s Dr. Deaths is that the CIA was able to destroy all evidence of their misbegotten deeds. Additionally, they have the hysterical cheerleading of their self-muzzling media, TV/Hollywood pro-government propaganda mill and eager-believer republican citizens. Hence we have the illusion of justified indignation concealing the fact of our 8 year decent into hideous depravity.

“Nothing so upholds the law as punishment of persons whose rank is as great as their crimes,” says Count Machiavelli, The reverse is even more true: when high-ranking misanthropes escape punishment, their criminal behavior is encouraged to become more frequent, more severe, and more depraved. The vast majority of these sick fiends escaped with their anonymity intact and are still running free to be employed again by governments who yet maintain their veil of secrecy and isolation from normalcy. Since the assassination of John, Bobby and Martin, every U.S. president except Jimmy Carter has had the blood of several hundreds of thousands of people on his hands. Finally we have one now who has not yet soiled himself with executions, sneak attacks, or secret or overt “wars.” Let us hope that he never tastes blood.

i See /OKHealth.htm on www.jamesbauhaus.org and “Malpractice as a goal.”

ii Pecos, Texas geo-prison riot by illegal immigrants destroys 2 buildings affecting 2200 captives, late Jan., early Feb., 2009.

iii “Chimp culture” and my “Bred for crime…” series on Michael Mitchell, Chuck Smith, et al, and an essay of unknown title on the Hominy Riot, maybe “Purposeful Stupidity.” Also of interest may be: “Priscrat Shower Tricks,” “Prisoner Abuse at OSP,” “Prison Psychopaths Easily Spotted,” “Real Life Stupidity,” “Start a Fight, Get a Reward,” “Suicide: Easy, Painless, Beneficial,” “The Sell Steal Cycle,” “Geo-Lawton, the Sickest Prison,” “A Social Puzzle You Can’t Solve,” “Boren and Cole Love Gitmo,” “Enjoy Prisoner Suffering,” “Executing Justice,” “Execution Reality,” “Female Guard Sadists,” “Gang Inmates Prey on Food as Guards Enjoy Violence,” “Henry Lee Lucas Minus Cop/Media B.S.,” “Heroes of Abu Ghraib,” “Incidental Guard-induced Prisoner Torture,” “Open Letter.”