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Essay: "Mind Games"

by Elzie Henson

Mind games are a very misunderstood subject until you know the truth of the matter. To some people call it (mind-games) in reality it's all LIES. Whether it is really clever, a thought-out plan, or game in general, you're hooked until you learn the truth. Hopefully, you learn the truth before it's too late and when you do learn it, recognize it for what it is (lies). Another form of mind games a lot of people fail to realize is manipulation. Some use money, drugs, and fear factors to play mind-games, that's why it's very easy for someone to be taken quickly because they don't use their brains to try and understand what's happening until it's too late. Here in prison lots of inmates, particularly gang-members use mind-games and manipulation to get what they want. Whether it be out of fear, a lot of people give in to it. Being deceived, lies too, manipulation or having game run on you, it's lies all the same just a different form of actions. If you're smart and learn to recognize it for what it is, you won't be taken so easily. If you have an eerie-feeling about something not going right, or you are being lied to (9 times out of 10) you're right. 1st minds of thought, not being sure you can believe all you hear and see are good examples and experiences you can learn from. Best policy to go by, trust no one, unless you are absolutely sure and trust your instincts and most of the time, if not all, you might save yourself from game. If you do something for long-enough and you practice it until you get good; it's the same way with running game or in other words, mind-games. Trust yourself and you can't go wrong.