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Essay: "Mind Games"by Francisco Tirado
You know, ironically, the first thing that comes to mind is how for almost a solid decade politicians have made it general policy to ignore global warming. Yet now that it has become not only un-avoidable but more importantly 'popular' to be conscious of the effects we have spent years creating and acting like it wasn't a problem. Next, is how all politicians use the surefire mantra of "I'm tough on crime" Forget that our country is number 1 in the world as far as harsh sentencing goes? We used to be the third after the USSR (during Gulag days) and South Africa (at the height of apartheid.) You would think China with 1/3 of earth's total population in one country and a communist regime would hold the number 1 spot, not the United States. Not the "good guys". Guess again. And add to that the fact that violent crime is growing at a damn near exponential rate in spite of, or rather maybe because of the un-realistic length of sentence. Now we have well over 2 million people locked up in our glorious country. More and more will never get out. Slavery as a punishment of crime. Check the state constitution! And yet, the majority of people buy into this spiel, hey I can dig it; he's personable, charismatic, a compelling speaker. Hey advertisement is what it's all about, who can make the best show, best speech. Hell Hitler could work up a crowd too. So he's only trying to get elected, or further his political career, so what he'll be out of office when his bills for healthcare, housing, food, more prisons for multiple people for their entire lives come down, so what he won't be in office and won't pay a dime. He was a good actor; he created a compelling spectacle for us. Was it worth it? "Hell Yeah! So what all those men's lives are wasted, nobody cares anyway, they shouldn't have broken the law. 2nd chances are only for rich people or in the movies, you screwed up so we throw the book at you so the next guy won't...oh...right...well we do it because we can, so what if its not a deterrent to future crime. Scary isn't it. Next, let's talk foreign policy: We tell everyone else what to do, never mind how hard we fought for our independence; we police other countries because we can. We are seriously considering building a wall along the Mexican border, so what we gave Germany all that grief about the Berlin wall. Ellis Island says, we don't want you, we lied, keep your poor, destitute and downtrodden! Now, our domestic policy: If you got money you are good! We have laws for the poor; the Indians go on the reservation. The blacks go in the prisons, the Hispanics we'll deport or put in prisons, the Japs we already had in concentration camps. While were at it if the poor white trash come they can get some time too. If they miss the traps we'll let them do our menial labor, or go die in Iraq. Basically we don't like anybody who's broke. Mind games: is simply put 'to make someone believe something false' usually for monetary gain. Stealing other people's money, land, etc. Example: "It is our Manifest Destiny to control the territory of North America." You know, how come I can't go to court and say, "Your honor, it is my manifest destiny to take your car, or this chain, or your money"? Hell they stole a whole continent damn near. Anyway, that's what I thought of when I saw mind games. |