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Essay: "Nothing to Lose"by Illinois Barconey III However we want to personally interpret the tragic occurrence of sin, don't be so critical of the weakness of Adam. Whether Satan, through the autonomous illusion of a serpent appeared as Eve lured the first man in deception, the creation of sinful deeds are normal sequential events for modern man.
Our idea of what is right or wrong has given way to lust, greed, hatred and individualism. One accepted motto of the radical generation is 'Born to lose.' Most cultures live by the golden rule of 'Born to Die.' In these troubling violent times we are caught between the forces of good and evil. I can remember during the later days of Walter Cronkite anchoring the news stating, 'drug (illegal) sale is the second largest business in the world.' Were there any precautions taken to prevent the poisonous corruption controlled by man-made actions? Is it too late to impose embargoes crippling demand in our country? Having a 'nothing to lose' mentality destroys the moral core of one's soul. A soulless person is a hopeless individual. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. The poor and underprivileged are distraught, hopeless, and lonely. Why? because society has labeled them as outcasts and good for nothings. Besides government subsides there is nothing to gain or nothing to lose, except their religious convictions and morals that somehow give them a ray of hope. One is in a dire situation with self, convinced he/she has nothing to lose. The trouble spots of addictions overtake common sense judgment. Whatever one's status in life the forces of good and evil (G-O-D-n-S-A-T-A-N) is lurking to rob the moral and dignity of ones soul. Picture a happy-go-lucky person, a brain surgeon, an environmental scientist, a trial lawyer, and a college professor? Which one is more educated and practical than a happy-go-lucky person? Having said only a few words on this topic; rise beyond despair and loneliness. Place yourself high on a pedestal; expect to gain all that life has to offer. The only precious commodity that's at stake to lose is Old Father Time. -Illinois Barconey III |