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Essay: "Pride"

Pride Loyally Deceives

by Bruce III Large
Pride has been my best deceiver. I have lived my life fighting, and victimizing myself and others for the sake of pride.

Many might argue that pride is worth dying for, that there are different forms of pride, or that everyone possess pride for some object. However, I think it's important not to confuse honor, respect, admiration, and appreciation with the extreme selfishness and attitude of what pride can induce one to think and believe. A person's pride can become as intense as to absorb his/hers identity, causing a person to convey the "this is me" image to the world. Should decisions and choices be based solely on the ideals and doctrines, the identity of one's pride? Would I do wrong over the right because I am proud? Have I chosen to forsake those I love to keep my pride? Do I deny truth, live to satisfy the ego so that pride remains intact?

Oh, how forsaken we have been. The pride of a fool loyally deceives. What about love? Healing? Forgiveness? What about learning how to live? Or would you prefer to die with pride?

Just remember, you did not exit in the womb with it!

-Bruce Large III