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Essay: "Racial Profiling"When the Brothers in the hood see a white dude come up their block they either think he's a dope fiend or a nark, and more than likely if he's not coming to spend some money "and sometimes if he is" they will kick his ass and take whatever he's got. And if they cops see a white dude in a black neighborhood they'll pull him over because they also think he's a dope fiend or is up to no good. When a white guy walks into Chinatown in New York or LA, as long as he stays on the Tourist Streets he's ok. He's welcome to spend all his money, but let him slide over to one of the little places tucked away or let him go into one of the alley ways alone. He may never come out and it he does he won't look the same. It's the same if a colored or Asian or Hispanic goes into a white neighborhood or a town that's predominately white, he will more than likely find a little trouble either from the law or from one of the people who live there. It seems that everyone would rather boo hoo and cry, get angry or fight, then take a really good look at the problem and find out its cause, and those who do know, those how try to tell others the why and what for, "no matter what race they are" will be branded Racist, Bigots, and they will probably thrown in anti-Semitic for good measure. This type of behavior has been going on for thousands of years. Any time you put two cultures together and not necessarily of different races either, you are going to have friction. And sooner or later the minority culture will start saying "Boo hoo ... Oh woe is me ... They're picking on me." It will never fail. Whole nations have been ripped apart because their rulers have tried to force "multiculturalism" on its people. And nine out of ten time they don't want it. They don't like it, but what can they do when they are being forced to accept it at the point of a spear or knife, by the blade of a sword or as we are today by the barrel of an M-16 rifle. For thousands of years we humans have been separated by continents. These continents have been separate by kingdoms. Those kingdoms have been separated by clans, and those clans have been separated by families! "No Kingdom" has lasted after its rulers have tried to force its people to except multiculturalism. Rome, Egypt, Greece were all great nations at one time, but all were destroyed from within. And though some may not admit it, some may not like it. They can't deny that it's largely due to their rulers quest for more land which brought in different races and cultures which is "multiculturalism" and that is the main cause to their downfall. This has been proven historically. And multiculturalism starts out of lust, greed, and the desire to conquer. Whether they bring slaves from a native land or whether they conquer a native land. It's wrong and it causes grief in the end. When a nations number one priority is the safety and welfare of its people and that nation either brings in slaves or refugees or tries to conquer other lands and brings in different races and cultures, different than the host nations people and then accepts them as "citizens," they, the "nations rulers" become divided in their loyalties and either their own culture suffers or the alien culture suffers and that is not fair or just for either of them. This has nothing to do with a master race or which is better than the other. This has to do with my people, my culture, and me as well as you and yours. Our founding fathers, and other great statesmen have known this for hundreds of years. Even before we fought the civil war. Most people just don't know it because these facts are being hidden from us as best that they can be done, but if you have the desire to find out, it's there. All you have to do is look. Thomas Jefferson had plans to free the slaves and return them to their native land. But greed stopped this from happening. Here are his words. "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of Fate than that these people 'Negros' are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them. It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation and deportation peaceably and in such a slow degree that he even (he means the evil of slavery) will wear off insensibly, and their place be .. Pari passau ... filled with free white laborers. If on the contrary it is left to force itself on, human nature must shudder at the prospect held up." (Thomas Jefferson's Autobiography) In a speech by Abraham Lincoln, he said the following: "I have urged the colonization of the Negroes, and I shall continue. My Emancipation Proclamation was linked with this plan. There is no room for two distinct races of white man in America, much less for two distinct races of whites and blacks." As you can see, the danger of multiculturalism was apparent even back then. As you noticed, Abraham Lincoln even stated there was no room for two distinct races of whites in America, which he means TWO white cultures. Our wise rulers know this just as you know it in your heart. That's why they are trying to destroy our individual cultures and create and multi-cultural society. But as he said, and as history has proven, no nation whether great or small has lasted that has tried to force multiculturalism down its peoples throat and this nation is no different. I am in no way saying it is wrong to learn or experience different cultures or to associate with people from different races. But for our government and our legislative bodies to force it upon both our cultures is not fair for either of them. And as the last century has proven it has not nor will it ever be the multicultural paradise everyone has deluded themselves into believing is possible. There will always be a dominant culture and no culture can prosper or flourish without having a governmental body of the same culture to promote and support and encourage its growth. A Christian government cannot effectively promote a Muslim culture without hurting one or the other. Our country was founded on our Christian European Culture. In every part of our government, our constitution, our pledge of allegiance, our judicial system, our Christian faith in God shouts for all to hear. Now we can't pray or study the bible in school because of other cultures and people screaming and crying. They are even trying to take the pledge of allegiance out of our schools because it has the words under God. And NO ONE has tried to replace this part of our culture "Our Foundation" with anything else. Our children are left fluttering in the wind, with no beliefs, guidance, or moral foundation to stand on. They must rely on their parents to show them, but our family units are being destroyed also, so they are left with nothing. Not only is this multiculturalism destroying our country and our cultures but its also destroying our "foundation" which is the Christian family unity. Once the foundation crumbles our society will slowly fall in on its self. You're probably thinking these words sound like the ravings of a Christian zealot ready to restart the inquisition? When in fact I actually tend toward pagan beliefs more, which the Christians destroyed during their quest to convert the whole world by the sword. But I am an American white man, this country was founded for our Christian European culture "after they murdered the Natives of course," and now they are letting it be destroyed. And I will do what anyone will do, I will stand to defend my nation, my culture, my people, and my family. If that makes me a racist, then so be it. |