The journal of Rodney E. Jones
January 7, 2005
Grace be unto you, and peace from Almighty God the Father, and from the Lord, Jesus the Christ. Peace be unto you.
To the reader of the wise words thus wrote in spirit and in truth.
Almighty God, is a spirit and we whom worship Him can "only" worship him in spirit and in truth. We have all received several warnings from the Lor, most recently from teh disaster that did occur in well over six countries were several of people lost their lives. Were these people saved??? Did they know the Lord and have a spiritual relationship with the Lord before their last breath??? This warning has continued to be expressed and implied.
Yet it is the divine duty and overall purpose of mankind to take heed to the powers of Almighty God, knowing and understanding, that there is no power to contest the power of Almighty God and His unceasing might. The Lord has continued to proceed in giving grace to the earth and all of His creation, yet mankind tends not to take heed to these warnings. As a failing result of mans failure to turn from their wicked ways, man has continued to stray away further and further away from the grace of God being under the temptations and passions of Satan, and to this end the end comes on a daily basis as has occurred throughout the generations of mankind from Adam to this present day and time.
To you all whom have been blessed to review the words thus wrote from the Masterbuilder... Write unto me and let us put our thoughts together and build upon that foundation which has already been laid by Christ, whom liveth and dwelleth in us forevermore.
Grace, love, and peace, be unto you.