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Essay: "Taking a Stand"Above the personal level, though, there are forces arrayed against us that seek to derail this process of using social sanction/censure to make others act right. You can see it every day on the news, if you look. Often it's very subtle, such as when the talking head reads the standard line off the cue-card or teleprompter "...suspect led police on a high speed chase..." This subtly programs the mesmerized viewers into thinking that the cops are not to blame when the 20 to 30 chase-crazed cops inevitably run over and kill innocent people in their lust to catch and cage some joy-riding teenager. Because their programming of citizens with "cops=good" is so effective, almost no one realizes the fact that if the cops showed a little finesse, no innocent people need die. No one realizes that the cops, with their car-chase fever, created carnage where there was none before. This is a direct example of how the cops and media team up to take a stand against the common good. Judges, prosecutors and other striped of lawyers also often take a stand against the common good when they create new words like 'wrongdoing' to substitute for crime when a fellow cop, judge, politician or kin of same are caught perpetrating felonies like murder, rape, robbery-by-pen, etc. These people were given too much power for too long and got corrupted by it so thoroughly that they turned into gluttons of privilege. As such, they spread their gluttony for privilege to their friends and relatives by creating a side-track from the criminal justice system for them called the wrongdoing justice system. This is where felonious crimes magically diminish over time to misdemeanors, suspend sentences, probably pardon, community service, etc. (this is the way the senate invented the term "high crimes (and misdemeanors)." Because everyone knows that presidents are incapable of perpetrating felonies. They wanted to give the appearance of becoming though on presidential crime. But also assure their culprit that what they really planned was the same old fakery as usual toward members of their class of gluttons of privilege. Some of the most flagrant examples of persons of high privilege taking a stand against us and the common good come from the president and his defense thugs in the pentagon. The sonny-Bush cabal apparently duped a majority of citizens into apathetic comas with his moaning about danger, terrorism, pre-emptive attacks for safety, etc. the protesters couldn't get photographed and the media whores lined up in droves to beat their drums, bark at swarthy, backward people and lick big government boots. Now that the sheets have been served off U.S. torture and murder periodically every year since 9-11, only 47% of U.S. citizens now think we should still be in Afghanistan and Iraq stealing oil and setting up puppetocracies, even so Defense Secretary Rummy was on TV today taking a stand against us again saying that there will be no closing of their gitmo prison, and that 'we' will be in Iraq-nam for at least another 5 years putting down the 'insurgents' (meaning freedom fighters). He is overly optimistic by a year or so. By 2008 the American people will take a stand against the Bush cartel and throw them out next election. Unless they cause (engineer) another 9-11 catastrophe to motivate more dupes, the next president will probably be a democrat who will slowly wind down the wars Bush co-started and begin trying to pay for the wars and hyperinflation they stuck us with. It will be 'nam-Nixon-Carter all over again. That's what we get for not taking a stand against vicious politico-media buffoonery/hysterics. Instead of doing our civic duty and shouting down the rabid clowns and their demands for random atrocities against the backward countries, we let our electo-crats run amok. We have the means to control these animals in out government if we would only use it. They are called the rights of referendum, recall and people's initiative petition. These rights, along with the net and an hours worth of town-hall per week can permit us to force out govcrats to act responsibly, because if they didn't, there would be consequences for them and repercussions. I took my stand in 2001 when I came back with proof of my innocence and got re-framed by the ancestors of the crooks who lied me into prison 33 years ago. I decided that I would not feed the lawyers. Instead I will spend every nickel I've earned attacking them with free speech. If I would just shut up, I might have made parole. They can stick their parole where the sun doesn't shine. I'm going to spend the rest of my god damned life exposing these scums for what they are and trying to get them in prisons where they belong. See me at my site. I hope you'll spend a little time, effort and money taking a stand too, together, in mass, we can be effective. Jamesbauhaus.org, Bauhaus@quik.com James Bauhaus |