Other essays on this theme
Essay: "Winners and Losers"by Tim Hampton We're All Winners
We're all winners in what we do from playing for fun to getting paid to play, from first place to last place. Whether we receive a medal, ribbon, certificate, or not. We're winners because we put our heart, dedication and motivation into the things that we're trying to achieve and it doesn't matter if we receive or reach that goal or not. The only time a loser even exist is when we see ourselves as that, when we choose not to acknowledge or accept the things as they are, when we can do but don't, defeating ourselves from the beginning, and when we stop trying before we get to the end. And at that point, why would a loser want to be a winner when it is so much easier to not try? Contrarily, why would a winner want to be a loser when he/she knows that they are winners? We are winners in our everyday life because we overcome everyday obstacles and challenges in our lives by will or force. By force, I mean, some people will need their winning side to show, by this motivation, when a situation calls for drastic measures. From fighting for your man/womanhood in here, (win or lose) to doing the unimaginable or the impossible. Like going into a burning building to save a child, giving CPR, risking your life for a weaker person when help is needed, or anything that causes you to act with meaning and purpose, whether it's big or small. I would like to acknowledge some winners, while this is a winners theme. My winners shout out goes to the following: Gary aka Tha-G-sta, his helpers and volunteers that take the time out of their busy schedule to give us these programs. Thank you. The contributors (us) who write on these topics and last, but not least, the donators, who make it possible for this to happen. Mad love to all you winners! Y'all are all winners and it's about time that y'all are recognized for what each and every thing you guys do to make this successful. Even though the number of participants is small, the results are large and the achievements are larger. And in the beginning to the end we're all winners. -Tim Hampton |