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Essay: "Bullies"

by Jonathan Hooper
Throughout my entire existence in this life of 25 Â" years, my experience has taught me that life does not forgive weakness. The trails and tribulations that we suffer to are unforgiving. And it was that first experience of life's cruelty that I learned that that is the way of survival. And it seems selfish in another's perspective. But you have to consider your environment and evaluate your situation in which case for us prisoners, we thrive on each other's misery. The weaker we can make another then the stronger we grow. I have been guilty of this selfish inconsiderate crime. I've bullied a weakling with out a reason to justify my actions.

Is addicting when we let this environment engulf us into its chaos cause we all are struggling o be above the rest in order to preserve our own manhood, pride, and dignity. And there's that vicarious element that pulls us into that cruel dimension that addicts us.

I try to pull myself away from that cruel part of me even when someone has transgressed that line of disrespect. What it takes is for us to see ourselves in another. We all envy each other because we're all so alike. But once we see our actions being portrayed by another that's when we become disgusted with ourselves.

The hope is that we, in prison, can treat each other with kindness but that optimism is always blinded by our own psychological insets. But how can we love out enemies? It's fair to leave the weak alone, but what about out enemies? If we too "love" our enemies then that makes us vulnerable to them, does it not? Id humans ceased wholly from preying upon each other, could they continue to exist?

What should be understood us that we cannot prey on the weak for there is no glory in that. The strong out number the weak so what not find the glory in toppling an enemy stronger that you? Give kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates.