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Essay: "General Essay"

by Jason Espinoza

A novice to this solitude, how am I to behave in this barren cell? Everything is gray: gray floor, gray walls, gray ceiling, gray desk, gray stool, gray toilet, gray sink, and gray bunk. Psychologists say gray is a depressing color. Indeed it is.

I begin to pace the floor in deep thought, attempting to make sense of all this. My logic is broken on the account of sudden images of my family. I'm soaked in bliss! But the jaunty feeling is quickly sequestered by the notion of never seeing them again. Sadness invades me because of this concept. My cubicle grows darker, but I don't take notice. I continue to pace. A brilliant scheme emerges! I must escape! But how? There are no windows, and the metal door is melded shut from the outside. My ingenious plan implodes! I kick at the mighty structure obscuring my freedom, while screaming profanities of the worst kind! I'm furious! I need a cigarette to calm my nerves, but I have none! They were confiscated along with my freedom. I shall pray to God then. She will definitely save me. Down on my knees, I plead for my liberty. After my prison, I wipe away my tears and wait for Allah to arrive. I wait... and I wait... and I wait. But Jesus never resurrects. I stand, and in a rage, I curse the heavens aloud! Following my sins, I denounce the creator with a fierce pledge! I'm exhausted. I must sit.

For the first time I noticed the darkness. The more I focus on it the darker it gets. ...I need light. I can't see!... I blink. Oh, I must have drifted off. The silence reinstates my rapid heart beat back to its regular flow. "Relax", I tell myself. Why is it so quiet? "Is anyone out there?" I shout louder this time: "IS ANYONE OUT THERE?" There must be! Is there? Or am I the only one left? That's it! Humanity has abandoned me! My heart begins to race again! I jump up and run to the door, pounding frantically! "Don't leave me here! Take me with you!" I beat and I beat until fatigue overcomes me. "I can't breathe!" Air. "I need air!" My heart races faster. "It's getting dark again!" No-no-no! Stay conscious! "But I'm dizzy!" Fight it! "Is that God? I knew you'd come!" Don't do this to yourself! They want this! "Then they have succeeded"...