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Essay: "God"

by Author Unkown
God, How You Doin'?

To high hell with this theme topic! I've been twisting and flipping the bloody thing for two weeks trying to get the raw essence of it and deliver that essence in an enlightening, intellectual, non-offensive/ overwhelming way! But, after two weeks of trying to tweak a piece about "God"... the facts are obvious... people are too damn sensitive about this subject! But, like they say, "with realization comes understanding!" My understanding is that when people are oversensitive about anything, one ends up losing a leg (trying not to offend and being to overly intellectual about basic shit!) in the process of trying not lose a toe! And, I'll tell you all this- If I'm losing a leg, I'm losing it with friggin' style! So... to hell with the "religiously over sensitive," and enough of overly- intellectualizing this simple matter! The true guts of this theme are: God... real or fake, why believe; why not believe?
With that said and understood- let's get to it!

These might all be the names of a Supreme Being/ beings or they might be names given to things that only exist in the minds of our primitive ancestors...? In a time many, many moons before our existence (17th century and beyond), a debate and analysis on how substantial any of the above mentioned gods were probably would have been justified by the times. But that was many, many moons ago and it doesn't matter if there is an actual god, nor if any of the herein mentioned gods exist!

Honestly, the thought of gods existing and people believing in that thought affects the society as a whole! And isn't that what the existence of a creator comes down to- how our belief in said beings affect us, which in turn affects our environments and the world in general? I mean, there could be no harm in believing in a real or fictitious god that instructs one to procreate, live in peace and love, respect your provider (earth) and co-exist with all other species. Wouldn't it make sense for a god to instruct one to do what most "instinctively" desire to do? Yet, believing in a god who instructs one to do the opposite of the above mentioned (yes, I know, there are those who are naturally savage in all characteristics and would love to live the opposite) would be very idiotic. And that is truly the essence of whether god is real or fake, isn't it? Because in all actuality (and logical reasoning)... if the god that a person chooses to worship isn't forcing them to act against their instincts and reality... then what difference does it make if that god is fact or fiction? Look... it makes no sense that a creator would give its creation a sex-drive, then turn around and tell that same creation to defy what was meant to be! I know, I know.... Some will argue to sacrifice and/or test the will... to which I will say, "Oh please!" Because the point is: if you're pissing in the ocean, why stress over pissing in the Atlantic or Pacific? [laugh] And it's the same with believing in the existence of a god/gods! Hence, if believing in a god/gods makes you feel good and there's no self destructive practices/ sacrifices (emotional, mental, instinctive, etc.) necessary to believe... what difference does it make if the existence of a higher-power is fact of fiction! Anything that has a positive effect on one and his/hers environment needs little reasoning to be accepted; it needs overwhelming reasoning to be rejected! Or at least that's how I see it... And for those who don't consider this a sound enough reason to accept the existence of a supreme being- screw the lot of you! Faith is a large contradiction and it is about as easy to analyze as a night crocodile is to wrestle down... with no arms at that!