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Essay: "Loyalty"

by Marcus C. Bailey
Loyal: faithful, steadfast is the definition was obtain from Random House Webster's Pocket American Dictionary 4th edition pg. 213.

Not many of us in society today in actuality have this same interpretation. A Hindu philosopher Krishna Murti published a book some years back. It was called "How to think" if I'm not mistaken. But the title isn't the reason why I mentioned it.

I mention the previous, to state a quote of which I am certain (I might add). He states, and I quote, "Each and every person creates his or her own reality."

By this I have determined, he means that every person sees things in his or her own way. Thus, whatever he or she may interpret is a reality for them, whether it be fantasy or fact. It is only subject to change as they decide to see it from another's perspective.

In saying so I shall begin my perspective of loyalty. In my short time of living, I have come to believe that many people are short of the glory of claiming pure loyalty.

I was born Mark Charles Bailey, on November 30th of 1984. I have been subject to the blatant absence of loyalty. A life of broken promises I was dealt. Promises of love, lust, friendship, whatever comes to mind, chances are I've experienced these promises broken.

So, loyalty is a very sensitive subject for me. The only loyalty I've ever experienced is of myself. Just like many things in life, you must feel of and give unto yourself, before you can expect it in turn of distribute to others.

From a person whom has never received loyalty, this is what I expect it to be: loyalty is undying-non-circumstantial. Loyalty should be based on love, pride and honor. It should not be given lightly. I believe, with strong resolve, that loyalty can not be given without the foundation of love and true friendship.

Loyalty is not something that comes from selfishness or because it's beneficial at the time. That is not loyalty.

You would not only be deceiving yourself, but the person whom considers you his or her loyal friend. Friends do not deceive.

To deceive is to lie, to cloud the truth. True friends will tell the truth no matter how much it might hurt. This is one aspect of loyalty. True friends will tell the truth, because there are no such things as "white lies"--lies told for the better; they always blow up in your face in the long run.

When a person considers you loyal or believe he has your loyalty, he or she trusts you to be steadfast. To stand by their side in truth, resolve and pride. No turning back--commitment without thought or procrastination. Faith that you can stand together or for each other through anything. Even death--if need be!