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Essay: "Music"by Darrel D. Clemens
To me, music is an "emotional manipulator" that's been proven on more than a few occasions. Obviously it has affected me in the same sense... I think everyone has used music in this subtle manner many times: we've used music to uplift our spirits...used it gain favor...used it to get certain emotions, especially for sexual encounters...used to get psyched up for an event such as sports, a fight, or any type of competition, etc. And many songs attach themselves to our mentality in such a way that years and years later we can hear a certain song, and for some reason we can recite word for word that's sun or said. Then the memories start; we can visualize ourselves at a certain place, or at a certain thing happening, or for some a replay of the video, concert, or singer is very vivid to make a happy memory. We've used music to declare to loved ones and lost ones. We've made up quite a few of our own than only ourselves would understand or comprehend. And Ah man! The Dances associated to this music...I can see now the Electric Slide, Doing the Bump, Pee-Wee Herman (c'mon you know you did it) The Two Step, the Stomp....oh man, The Egyptian Lover, the Worm, yeah man lets not forget all the Hunching of the Legs we did...all-male and female- to certain, "slow jams"( come on now!) and oh Lord, all the Poppin and Locking and Break Dances we invented. It's countless, just depends on which era you grew up in....man....music...Oprah anyone? Music is so soothing...But let me go on and say it...sometimes the memories overwhelm us to tears (alright toughie!! Not you, Huh?) Yea I've cried numerous times...started out with the "Oh yea I remember that, then the memories, then a few steps for that era of dancing, then the realization of P R I S O N....CRASH!!! Yeah its real....just like a lover ... can't live with it, can't live without it...we all love â€" "Music"...."Music" |