Other essays on this theme
Essay: "Music"by John Hobbs
I've thought about this theme for several days now and have been undecided on what direction to take. I could talk about my love for different types of music whether it be the twang of a steel guitar as it calls from an era when it ruled the air waves...or the sound of dueling Banjo's as they bleed the white man's blues, better known as Blue Grass... or the graceful combination of Harp and Flute as they make love in a symphony of life that pulls at my Celtic spirit...or the spell-binding music of Richard Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries of Valhalla"...or how good hard driving Metal pumps me up and southern rock-n-roll makes me fantasize about my girl and the open road. But as I sit here in Ad-Seg I look at my clock radio-my sole connection to the world- and I realize that all of these different types of music that I enjoy, I am able from time to time, to hear. The music I love above all other isn't sent through the air waves and pumped out of my radio...and I'm unable to see the musicians through the small window in this cage that's been frosted over to restrict my view. But I know they're out there playing their endless symphony...a song as old as life itself, played day in and day out and never repeating the same combination of beautiful vocals harmonizing in Mother Nature's band. The overture begins with the soft notes of the winged flutist as they send their melodies to dance gently with the first rays of light emitting from the beautiful orb opening it's eye on the eastern horizon...then the clarinetist kick's in to caress the morning with their angelic kiss as the world's greatest drummer provides a beat against the mighty oak with the bass keeping time from a nearby lily pad. As the performance picks up other musicians join in and contribute their song to nature's opera house...we hear the chatter of happy vocals from ‘neath a walnut tree and the yodel from a bearded baritone. The soprano screams her welcome to the days as the chorus comes from a long passionate cry from the heavens above and the whispers through the trees as they wave their arms in perfect tempo, orchestrating the song of life...This is the music I love... the music my spirit yearns for. I look at my window....so close... |