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Essay: "Music"by Michael A. Pace Music - My Own Personal Theory
Suppose music was something far out in space, unknown and theorized only. A black hole â€" highly concentrated mass that has collapsed to suck a degree that the escape velocity from its surface is greater than the speed of light, trapping light and all other energy and matter in an intense gravitational field. Sounds like a place created by some evil wizard that not even light can escape. Call Merlin and Gondor and Glenda, the witch to fight this evil. It must be the dark force. Where's a good Jedi when you need one. Maybe they have already been sucked in, and all we have left is that kid Harvey Putter, not even a decent Superman. Music! The art and science of combining tones or sounds â€" in single line (melody), in combination (harmony), and in their time relations (rhythm) â€" to express ideas and emotions in a structurally complete and unified work having an appealing sound when produced by one or more voices or instruments, or both Huh... I have no concept of Music, other than it's something I can't conceive. I have no practical experience. I can give definitions - classical, opera, vocal, tempo, rock n roll, muzak, R&B. Music is a sound. It causes vibrations, so does dynamite and earthquakes. I am deaf. I live in a world without sound. "Welcome to the Sound of Silence". But black is the absence of light, not color and silences is the absent sound. Yet is it the absence of music? I can talk â€" limited but fair. I can't sing, yet. I taught myself how to whistle â€" accidentally. I can dance too. The greatest dance: Ballet. I had a theory, just like any other theory â€" trial and error. I have a theory for music as well. Music? The Art and Practice of combining experience and passions â€" in single line(Brotherhood), in combination(Friendship), and in time relations(Marriage, Life partners) â€" to express ideas and desires in a structurally complete and unified work having an appealing emotion when produced by one or more individuals or happenings, or both. Just a theory mind you, like the Black hole. Adjustments will have to be made. Trial and Error. I think kits make music, and sail boats, and spring days. I think lovers make music, or lovers are music. Let's see. Where would Einstein start? |