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Essay: "Music"by Chantell Price Feel Alive
Bare boned and raw! If you know not what I speak of...then you are not alive, and never have been alive! Because Music is life! And I do not mean life because of the way it can make one feel (don't get me wrong...it's a helluva feeling, and she be respected!) I mean life because all Music is the audio manifestation of God's thoughts. Mad you ponder I am? Maddly in love with music! But outside of that, I'm actually quite sane! And don't laugh at me! It's not nice! Sorry, I digress Where was I. This theory may seem crackpot but I am a long time writer of wine for the ear, and I shall reason you this: Before the words come the melody...and were does the melody come from. Yes, did you not know? Did you think us writers of the sweet sound actually created melody/rhythm? Oh no! The all-mysterious Melody pours into one's psyche like nutrients through an unborn baby's umbilical cord...strengthening a writer with fragments of What could be! Glimpses of creation! Allows them to hear the God's thoughts, pacing! Lets them embrace the____ STOP!! Ok, enough of the Shakespeare crap! And I didn't mean literal crap...so all you Shakespeare lovers, shut your gaping traps! (Smile) Straight up though... I thoroughly love music and think it to be a blessed form the gods (and yes, also a manifestation of fragments of their thoughts) Music is so much more than can be defined and I find it to be the one thing that Mankind cannot corrupt. Because no matter how you manipulate it... Music will always bring change, and it will always bring the living to a rise! Now, I would to go on about the power of music....but this topic gave me the idea for a song, and I can already hear the Gods in my head! So get lost and go feel alive___ because I already do...! |