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Essay: "Music"by Keith Reese Music of Asgard
One weary and dreary day, like Rodin's Thinker, I sat in a profound thought, assessing remnants of my fragmented life. In my dank dungeon, I mulled over haunting regrets. Hopes and aspirations quickly waning. How could I avoid the heavy melancholy descending upon me? My real life was now behind me. That gloomy thought finally depressed me. Alas! Before I could sink deeper into the abyss of self recrimination, I heard something unearthly. I lifted my head to acknowledge it clearly again, the enrapturing sound. This time it fell lucid upon my ears. If there were truly angels by serendipity, I had heard one singing. I moved closer to the sound, and it saturated into my soul. What was this chorus of hypnotic melodies that drew me to its will? Anon, my eyes beheld the source. I could see the human Angels on a TV, through a lattice of iron bars. The human-Angels continued in their harmonic diapason. It was impossible to hear such alluring sounds. As I listened, my spirit throbbed with new life. What was this overpowering music? How long has it existed? Who were these human-Angels? Were there more of them? How could I find their enigmatic music? The program I watched ended too quickly. As I withdrew to music? The program I watched ended too quickly. As I withdrew to muse the music I had heard, I could see that it had attracted others to its enchanting spell. I vowed to myself to find these human-Angels. As time plodded in, I went on my quest. I had to re-connect to the ethereal music that disembodied me for a moment, and lifted me out of despair. One day, years later, I came to the end of my rainbow. One clue after another; and I found the human-Angels that gave me spirited life. Their group name was "CLANNAD," lead by a beautiful siren named, Moya. After discovering CLANNAD, I was lead to other groups that sung in similar notes. I found that I was pursuing the genre of Celtic music. I began to purchase these lulling, mysterious sounds. Other human-Angels (artists) were Lorena McKennitt, Maine Brenan, Kitka, Enya, The Chieftains, and many more. As I excitedly explored each CD, every nerve and cell in my body was galvanized to a happy apex. Where had my life been so long, to have missed such serendipity? Now, I introduce Celtic Music to others, and it has the same effect on them, it had on me. As with me, it relaxes, uplifts, and restores their spirit, when drawn to its apostrophic sounds. I am always asked a clichéd question: How did you discover this music? And I negale them with a despondent moment I was having years ago. Whereupon by fortunate happenstance, I heard the beautiful music of Asgard. |