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Essay: "Neighbors"

The people next door...are they my neighbors? Or are they, my neighbors, the people that I invite over to talk with, eat with, etc? Well, that in itself is a bit confusing as neighbors in here don't always mean the people around you. Fact is the word alone conveys a certain camaraderie, that's just not there in here. Here people live next to each other and for various reasons that don't amount to a hill of beans, never speak to each other. How are they neighbors? By my way of thinking, simply living in proximity don't make neighbors, it is the actual interactions on a community level that create that...Now at the same time, I must also state that myself, even before confinement, I was a poor neighbor, as I rarely had any dealings with the people living around me. I was so busy hustling and partying that I found myself with pretty much no friends at all and that's truly what a real neighbor is, a true friend of fair and foul weather.