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Essay: "On the Edge"

by Larry Garmon
Now this is a big topic that could be talked a lot. Being in here there seems to be a lot of us on the edge. Not only are we locked up, but we worry whether we made someone mad when they don't write. We talk to someone on the phone and can't give them advice because we messed up our lives.

Yes, on the edge. Men in here they look for loopholes to reduce their sentences. It does not help them when they are waiting for a letter from the Public Defender's office. This makes a person on the edge.

Holidays, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years. When one is locked up they think of home knowing they can't be there with their loved ones; once again they feel left out. They hope for a card in the mail, but gets one after Christmas just saying they forgot to mail one.

On the edge! When sitting in a cell watching the walls. Listening to guys hollering across the building to another guy. No peace, no quiet. When there is a light on in the cell all the time, this will make a person on the edge.

There is another kind of "on the edge;" and this is where excitement comes and fear, and anger will come together. Guys want to live close to the death line. They like to come close to the end of life. It would be like standing on railroad tracks and a train is barreling down the tracks. The person doesn't move until the train is right up on him.

Monkey on the Shoulder is another example for "on he edge" if a person who ever had a drug problem knows what I'm talking about. Someone who got to have a needle, but says I will quit one day, but never does. On the edge is a rough part of having a drug problem. When they go for long periods of time without having that drug put into their system.

On the edge! Everyone has been there at one way or the other. Whether it was for a zooming thrill to a very frightened trip. It doesn't matter how it has gotten to the person "on the edge" the symptoms are the same: fear, anger, happiness, all feelings come together and explode. Some love the after-explosions and others are scared as hell from it.

Yes, on the edge. M another way to see this is waiting for a visit and having no one show up. When a person was so angry trying to stay out of trouble. Always looking over one's shoulder to make sure they dotted the I's and crossed the T's. Then it was done for what? A no-show. Now they are really on the edge waiting for someone to give the wrong word or make a mistake. On the edge.

On the edge; sitting in a chair and scooting to the edge of the chair yes "on the edge."