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Essay: "Overcoming Depression"

by Johnathan Hooper
There are just so many ways to overcome depression, but its what moves you to act on it. Not everything works for everyone. Depression is self-destructive, physically and mentally. It can be so severe that it alters your state of mind and makes you act out in a way that can harm you.

I know we all in prison suffer the symptoms of depression, especially us in administrative segregation. It can be so paralyzing sometimes. There have been many times that I have woke up and didn't want to move or else I'd feel sick to my stomach. I've contemplated suicide many times. I know some of you have as well. Yet, obviously, I have never built up the courage to do it. Don't think it's cowardice. Some people just fall so deep into that blackness of pain that there doesn't seem to be any light in life.

When I'm suffering from a bout of depression, I like to use that moment of pain and put it onto paper. Poems, songs or short stories. Sometimes before I even finish writing one, I feel better. It's like opening a window and letting all the crows fly away. Some of the best poets and song writers have written masterpieces while depressed. Even though not all compositions are bright and happy, it's the creativity of it. That's our deepest and most centered point of creativity. We seem to be able to analyze all our emotions and our life while we're depressed. A negative is turned into a positive. It's the alchemy of our emotions.