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Essay: "Overcoming Depression"

by Robert Moser
I think 'depression' gets too much hype...is it not a state of sadness? Have/has such a strong race (human race) become so psychologically weakened we can't control, to a degree, our own moods? Do we have to spend money on medications and counseling and still not be cured?

It's not a virus, but yet it is a sickness? I've heard and read it termed as a sickness. That's sure giving it more strength than it deserves. Science has proved it is a chemical imbalance but has any pill they created actually worked? Or just pacified?

I can speak on all this because I've been treated for all of it...only one treatment worked, and it has nothing to do with drugs, prescribed or self-medicated.

Does someone really need a pill to recover from sadness? Wake up mature America, we are just handing away our money to the big drug dealers in the world--the pharmacies and pharmaceutical manufacturers.

After someone gets counseling they feel a relief usually...why? Communication, the chance to vent and express. Yes, communication does help. And plays a major role in beating depression, but so does self-awareness and spirituality.

A lot of us want to wallow in sadness, some don't. Some have had bad experiences and it's caused sadness. Okay--pick yourself up and move on...find hobbies and become active. Then there are the people who use depression for pity and attention.

We can beat it when we realize there's more to life than the limits we set and barriers we build when we surrender to depression/sadness. We can beat it when we welcome the great balancer into our lives...happiness. We beat it when we become spiritually grounded.

I think being able to sit in a tiny cell all day everyday has been a cursed blessing or a blessed curse--let me explain. The first year or so of it I spent days depressed, weeks even...one day I got on medication...the half dozen medications I was prescribed did nothing--that simple. Then one day I took myself off them and decided I'm not going to spend every day miserable in here. That was when the battle began.

When someone decides to go into battle a plan must be made. Mine was a sincere step towards a spiritual life--also an open line of communication with those I loved and trusted. And last but not least--self-awareness.

You have to ask yourself, "Why do I feel this way?" Something is causing it. A bad experience, an emptiness or lonely spot in your life. Maybe an insecurity or lack of esteem. When you find the areas causing it then you can attack and deal with it on your own, or by sharing with another.

I think the bio-chemical imbalances don't just appear out of nowhere. Your body is more than just chemicals, fluids and such, there's a spirit or soul, and its that which can govern if it's allowed. It is what tells your body to produce or not produce these chemicals, the ones that sciences says are responsible for moods.

If I, a prisoner, can lift myself out of all depths of sadness, so can anyone else. The 'want' has to be there. If the 'want' isn't there or can't be found, then life's lost its purpose. Up's and downs are apart of life â€"staying down isn't.

A cure will never come in pill form unless someday someone makes one that contains spiritual and self-awareness. Once again though, a clinical name has been given to something and has turned it into something its not. Depression is sadness, that's all so cheer the fuck up!