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Essay: "Overcoming Depression"

by Michael A. Pace
Overcome depression--no way. Half the world is too depressed to come up with a cure. The other half are too busy getting rich on it. I read a book called "How to Conquer Negative Emotions." They never did say how. Turns out, it was a question not an answer.

I also read a book called "How to Serve Humans." These scientists spent the whole book trying to decipher this alien book. At the end, while aliens are loading the scientists onboard their ship, an alien explained the best way to serve humans is to stick an apple in their mouth and a cucumber up their ass and cook for 90 minutes at 400 degrees. I think that was it, I'm real bad with cooking instructions.

Roy Masters has a promotional tape called "Depression: There is a Cure." It's well worth $15 bucks, but it won't cure depression. I don't believe there is a one for all cure for depression because there are numerous causes. There is a thousand reasons why people limp, but what works for a broken toe won't work on hemorrhoids. Although athlete's foot cream works good for jock itch and less embarrassing to get from the infirmary.

Now we have strayed from the subject.

I know this is serious and so I don't dare say much, because I am such an idiot at being serious. The truth is I suffer from depression and I find laughter the best placebo on the market today. I lost my twin brother years ago. I know, you think if I can laugh about it there was not much trauma, but those who knew us sometimes said we love each other more than brothers should and your imagination can not go far enough. Still I found a away to laugh and therefore live: we were identical. No one could tell us apart--they still can't. He has two names on his tombstone and I have two names on my I.D., both legal and no one can take it away. It was and is our joke.

No, it doesn't cure depression, and my depression goes deeper. Maybe we should all compare traumatic experiences and see whose is worst. Still it would not cure it and trauma isn't the only reason for depression. I have no answers and that is in itself depressing.

I think knowing honestly and consciously why you are depressed is a good start, and please remember it is contagious.