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Essay: "Overcoming Depression"

by Earl Parrie
Many of you live life, while others let life live them. It is our growing nature to compete. Some are over-achievers and others do not fit in so well. We each have a place in life and life is not always fair. But we live life and can take the time to be fair.

You ever heard "misery loves company?" Depression is a cause of negative thoughts in life. We need to live to try to break the cycle of negative thought patterns. You can do it…break the pattern by trying to take the time to be nice. Say hello to others and smile. Say at the start of each day, you are a positive person and are going to stay positive.

I certainly feel better about myself by looking at the good I can do to help others. I struggle from time to time to keep positive. When I go back to my old negative thought pattern, I quickly think and try to find good works out of the situation. Once you start looking at the good works you do, you will start felling your old self turned into a new happier person.