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Essay: "Pride"by Joseph Alvin Parrish The Deceiver
Pride has been and always will be a force in my life that I will have to reckon with. I first heard about pride from a biblical story. That story can be found in the Holy Bible in Ezekiel 28. This story speaks about Lucifer who was in Eden the Garden of God. Lucifer was perfect in his ways from the day he was created, till iniquity was found in him. To me, iniquity means that I have too much pride to admit that I have no right to have God in my Life. There is someone who deserves that right, and it's not me. Being sent back and forth to prison more than five times, I can say happened on a large part because of my pride. My pride reared its ugly head in my life and dictated to me how things were going to be. It started out with my pride dictating that I could not feel good about myself unless I smoked a little weed, or smoked some crack cocaine. That pride is a deceiver and will dictate you if you allow it to. And once I had done just whatever it was that pride convinced me that I needed to obtain the necessary money required to buy the drugs that would make me feel the way I needed to feel, my pride reared its ugly head again. It whispered to me that I better go and find another scheme that would guarantee profits so that I can continue on that same destructive path that now has me doing time in this state penitentiary. I have been incarcerated now for a total time of 36 months, and my pride is just as deadly now as it was when I first arrived. This is my sixth trip to an institution. So now, don't forget "Pride Is a Deceiver." So make sure that you know just exactly what it is that you're pursuing in your life. Pride will whisper to you and tell you that you need something in your life that you really don't need but can make you feel so bad about your past mistakes and pride will taunt you because you know your irresponsibility is what got you in that hard spot you're in. Pride affects me on a daily basis. It presents itself to me wearing many faces. I know for a certainty that as long as I am living here on God's green earth, I will always have to deal with my pride. However, pride has its good side. Pride can affect you in positive ways if you'll allow it to. If you are ever in a position to benefit from pride in your life, pride can also make you proud of your accomplishments. |