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Essay: "Sources of Strength"

by Roy Chitwood
There is a source of strength that you can have and it's available anytime you need it. It wraps you in it's presence when you awaken at 5:00 A.M. and you look out the window of the room and all you see is fence and razor wire.

It's there when each step you make seems worthless and senseless that you even try. It pushes you on and forward.

It's there when you become anxious after struggling with the demons on an addiction you've conquered once again, but worry about the next attack. It tells you that it's holding you together.

It's there when you think of your children growing up without a father and the hurt they feel when they wonder why? It tells you that it is the strength that you will become that matters.

It's there when you feel lonely and forsaken by all. It tells you that I am here and I will never leave you or forsake you.

It's there when you begin to wonder is this what life is always going to be like. It tells you there's new life ahead and perseverance comes.

It's there when days seem to be almost unbearable and the future seems lost. It tells you there is hope and to earnestly expect it.

It's there when the gate swings open and you finally walk into freedom with liberty to lead a life truly free from addictions, heartbreak and the past. It tells you I freed you so.

For those who have walked these paths and seem skeptical, I tell you right now you can find this strength in no other than Jesus Christ and his spirit he endows you with. I only ask that you be honest with yourself and check the pride thing at the door. He can do what you never could. It isn't a religious thing and it has no agendas. It's just simply God offering you his divine power for life. If you are like me you've tried everything else. But don't just take my word. Try His word and check out the promises he makes. You might just find that strength you've been looking for.