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Essay: "Simple Pleasures"

by Tory Lance Pitts
Simple pleasures

When I think of the topic "simple pleasures", I think of all that I miss now that I am in prison. I believe even though one can be forced to acquiesce away such things do to incarceration; they begin to be taken for granted before that point. What I miss could be unimportant to someone else due to the mask of perceived hardness they chose to wear. But one who is truly real to their self will miss a drive across town, the time they argued with a loved one and even a traffic ticket. I'm not trying to be absurd and can see where some will find these thoughts so. Therefore allow me to expound. For I just want to "lend" my reflections because I surely do not have these "simple pleasures" any longer.

Let me explain what I've brought out in saying I myself could miss arguing with a loved one. I used to be involved in arguments with my dad about things meaningful and trivial. How could I miss that or call it a simple pleasure. Well I know my Dad loved me but he didn't say it much, but wanted the best for me and for me to be my best. Since I've been in prison he has past away. I realize now when we would argue he was showing his love by critiquing me and now that love really is missed.

Now that I'm here in prison I have not the chance to get back yesterday. When you live so fast that you feel that the world is not all about only you and you get caught up seeking unattainable things. I say as now from my own hindsight, simple pleasures then at that point don't matter any more and are ill conceived to even be of any interest.

This was occurring before I was ever arrested and jailed. All the hassling and clout seeking take time away from the real important things and those real important things can be simple pleasures. By being stuck to the so called "grind" whether legal or illegal caused me to forsake simple pleasures. I now can no longer take time to take my son to the park, but in retrospect I didn't take any time back then (in the free) away from work or "the hustle" either to go have those simple important moments to fly a kite with my son or go fishing very much at all.

I see now that when I was being pulled over and served a ticket for speeding to work or the next "come up", it was my life trying to get me to see I was moving too fast to see the things of simple pleasures I was leaving behind in my quest for something supposedly better. These are things that for me I would love to experience again. Of course they, at least some of them, sound negative in mere presentation, but I'm not fooled because I know when the time comes and I have responsibility to drive too, and arguments arise I will better see the underlying cause as with the day I receive another speeding ticket. At that time I will find myself wanting to heed to my situation in a way that allows me to save all that is going to produce such events. Also making the time to enjoy what I do have will ensure never again will I take for granted my life's simple pleasures.