Writings of Kenneth Wortham

Kenneth Wortham

Kenneth Dale Wortham #624374 
Ferguson Unit 
12120 Savage Drive 
Midway, TX 75852

Hi Cyber Surfers,

I'm Kenneth Dale Wortham. My nickname is "Silent" and that is the name I use to publish with "Silent." I'm 47, white, hazel eyes, about 200 lbs, and healthy.

I've been in prison most of my adult life not that I'm a professional criminal -- more because I'm a stupid dope fiend. Of which I have been to drug treatment and before I came to Administrative Segregation attended Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and N.A. when I could.

I was a gang member for 20 years. It's one of the greater reasons I've done so much time. Its not important to know which one I joined, but I joined the gang because of necessity to stop certain violence against me. But when I joined the violence did not stop, it turned corners and shifted into high gear.

After all that time I finally made it to the bottom of the bottom, the lowest of the low in prison when I was confirmed a gang member and assigned to Administrative Segregation. Where I discovered that being flat of my back was a wonderful place to be. Cast upon this Ad. Seg. Rock I found that the Rock I faced is none other than the face of Jesus Christ. Yessss I'm a Born Again Believer and a Full Faith Follower of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I'm not ashamed of it either. I'm no longer a gang member and have been a Christian for a little more than 2 years. And I wouldn't trade my worst day as a Christian for my best day as a gang member.

The forgiveness I found at the foot of the Cross has done for me what rehabilitation could not do -- turn me away from my criminal thinking errors and to a life of salvation. I spend my day in prayer and Bible reading and study. That's everyday -- all day -- all week -- all month -- all year. Oh I do other things in the reading ideology. I also write mini-sermons and Christian poetry. I'm having a grand time with God and Jesus while being trained up by the Holy Spirit.

I hope to make parole in October of this year (2004) but I could stay here until around April 2007. I'll be sure to keep Gary notified.

Once out I hope to serve in a Full Faith Church and be involved in the Angel Tree Project and the Christian Motorcycle Association while I train for the missionary field.

If anyone would like to correspond (we can't write other prisoners, sorry I wish I could) please feel free to write me here in my 9x5 prayer box. Be sure and include my ID number after my name.

Thank you and God Bless you all.

I'm "Silent"